@New York Rangers

Here is a picture of a dog. Now can we talk about why the mods deleted a genuine question about mental health?

Here’s your fucking dog×625/public/2022-04/tan-dog-pooping-on-grass-picture-id91813795.jpg

A user was looking for advice about how to balance their mental health against team loyalty. Apparently this was clogging the front page so the mods deleted it to make more room for memes.

No highlights. No analysis. No discussion of what it means to be a fan.

Just dogs. Endless fucking dogs.

by baronvonpenguin


  1. snowball721

    Honestly, seeing down to earth and caring the responses to that post was really refreshing after the terrible week this sub has had.

  2. AbeFromanfromChicago

    That post seriously got deleted? I’d love to hear the reasoning behind it, other than that the mods are cowards.

  3. highly_agreeable

    Mods, I’m not sure if this post is truly about dogs.

  4. inTikiwetrust

    Wait, so this sub isn’t a pet photo karma farm? Would never have known.

  5. jalf-prufrock

    To be fair, there are also many posts about cats

  6. ConorJay25

    For game 6 what if nobody posted a single child or pet, maybe that’s the luck we need.

    (i’m kidding of course, kind of)

  7. Elite_dragonslayer96

    I missed that post, but I wished I’d have seen it because I’m interested in the discussion. I love reading all the analysis and discussion on the sub, and the fact that it can emotional depending on how the team does makes it real and interesting.

    I find it disappointing that posts related to actual discussion are deleted or limited to a mega thread yet endless unsubstantial ‘hype’ posts, posts about dogs in jerseys or cats named after players are allowed.

    I’m not someone who knows much about the game of hockey or its strategy so I don’t contribute at all myself, I just read, but that’s why I love reading because other people have such good insights that I can’t see myself. Those are the kinds of posts that I as a relatively new and non-knowledgeable fan want to see.

    I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be any memes or pets at all, but why not have an actual well-rounded sub with substantial discussion AND fun posts?

  8. BaltSkigginsThe3rd

    I’m all for the dog pictures in rangers jerseys as its something you see in a lot of sports subs and I like pictures of cute animals.

    That being said, if that post got taken down for being unrelated to the rangers then the animal posts should be too.

  9. m313980

    This is the top post on this sub in 2 weeks

  10. kleefoth

    This doesn’t really relate to the mental health post but this sub really did a complete 180 from a week ago. Crazy how much 5 days can completely change a franchise around

  11. dr00bles1

    Man I wish I had seen that post. My mental health is a complete mess because of the Rangers and I’m not even joking. It’s dumb, objectively speaking, but it’s still real.

  12. SuperModes

    Here’s my take: There’s this annoying stigma of not being a “real” fan. We’ve all seen it. Make the wrong complaint or say you’re not watching the next game and get downvoted into the shadow realm.

    If something isn’t bringing you joy, don’t do that thing. If being a fan of a team is causing you too much stress to the point that it becomes unhealthy, there’s nothing wrong with backing off. But we should be free to back off without other fans judging us for our decision.

    Having said that, commenting “fuck this team, i’m nkt watching.” is probably going to earn you a downvote or 12, but quietly backing off something that has become mentally unhealthy is not only smart, it’s commendable.

  13. 09-24-11

    Hey OP, you need to name your dog a Rangers player otherwise this isn’t “Rangers content” per the mod overlords

    This dogs name is now Brian Boyle. Now we can keep the post forever.

  14. Mitcheeeey

    Never seen anything like it, a serious post getting serious responses but no, *DOG POST YAY MUST LIKE* …

  15. TesluhModelWhy

    Reddit mods are always the problem, pick any subreddit.. no seriously.

  16. dante8496

    Yeah, these “discussion only” threads are total fucking garbage. Like if you want to post animal pics, sure. But like, instead of a massive thread where it’s impossible to actually talk about shit, why not use tags? That way, we can still use reddit how it’s supposed to be used and not treat everything like a GDT

  17. Brief_Pirate2111

    You have to have brain damage and drive a car with no turn signals in order to be a Reddit mod. They don’t understand us normies. They don’t deserve patience either.

  18. zDankity35

    The animal pics need to be in a god damn mega thread. This is getting ridiculous

  19. zDankity35

    This is the only animal post that I’ve upvoted

  20. DonorBody

    Bummer that it got deleted because I saw it and wanted to return to reading it during the lunch break. Thought it was a relevant topic. At least in-market fans go into work the next day after a loss and have a chance of being surrounded by other fans of the team. Out-of-market fans in rival cities take losses especially hard. I’m a Rangers/Bills fan living in Boston, and some days are a fucking chore to get through.

  21. blueshirtzz

    Mika the cat was cool for a bit but got old fast and now I’m sick of seeing everyone’s god damn dog in a fkin sweater.

  22. bklyn221

    Is this a picture of ANOTHER Rangers season?

  23. MitchWasRight

    Bravo. The mental health aspects are something I never see discussed and is very relevant to all sports/teams. My outlook on the day is too connected to how the Rangers are doing.

    I used to have the same issue with cable news. I stopped watching altogether and became a much happier person. Maybe a pathetic attempt at winning Saturday and I’ll quit watching this too.

    Seriously though, the balance between the success of your team and your overall mental wellbeing is something that should be front and center. Especially after the last week. I’d call it a roller coaster but we haven’t gone back up yet. And, I’m bracing for impact.

    Btw, where was all this support when I previously posted about having a pets thread because the daily “Mika” updates were grating on my nerves?

  24. mikecrazy8

    Came here to say I like dogs. But this is a hockey sub. Post the cute Rangers dog pictures on r/Pets

  25. Kingstist

    If this is gonna be the new mental health thread, here’s what I do.

    I love the Rangers and all my sports teams and will root for them if they’re doing well or struggling, and will def complain on reddit and yell while watching games; but once I notice it’s actually taking up a huge part of my brain power I have to completely detach from it and focus on other things in my life. At the end of the day we’re going apeshit over random people we don’t know performing their jobs badly. It’s fun and gives a good sense of friendship and jeering between fans; but it should never actually affect your personal life

  26. FBI_Agent_82

    >Now can we talk about why the mods deleted a genuine question about mental health?

    I figured it was because a sub about a hockey team, on a site full of trolls, isn’t the place to ask for help with mental health. They need to speak to a professional, not anonymous people on the internet. But I guess the post had been put back up by the mods.

  27. thebearbearington

    That’s a mighty fine dog. The Yankees are giving me enough fits that I’m allnout when I watch the Rangers. The rangers have been playing some shit hockey this week. I was hoping that they wouldn’t quit all at once. I turned game 4 off after that curse took hold at 38 seconds.

  28. paul_a_8002

    Also I made a post earlier today about this team’s lack of speed and puck moving defensemen hoping we could talk about solutions. That post was also deleted and I was told to post in the non game day thread. Apparently the biggest issue plaguing this team doesn’t deserve its own thread but every single dog pic does.

  29. lospotatoes

    I’m with you. I made a cheeky post about whether our playoff beards were working and the mods deleted it so that we can have more photos of dogs in sweatshirts.

  30. LateCockroach1378

    Fucking thank you. The mods need to step the fuck up and fucking moderate this sub. Yes animals get upvotes because they’re cute, they still don’t belong on this sub. Moderate the sub or fuck off to r/aww and leave the reigns to someone who will.

  31. Total-Collection9031

    “Low effort”… come on. The only “low effort” came from the mod that couldn’t distinguish that post from the others.

  32. ejh1230

    Mods of this sub are dogshit. More at 11

  33. NoahBagels

    You owe the team nothing, and rooting for them should be fun. If/when it impacts one’s health, time to walk away!

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