@Calgary Flames

Iggy is here at the wranglers game chumming it up in a box with Don Maloney

Iggy is here at the wranglers game chumming it up in a box with Don Maloney

by logan_izer10


  1. NoseyButcher

    I’ll say it again….still a captain spot up for grabs…🤔😏

  2. josh-duggar

    In the dome with Jerome……..again!

  3. CaptinDerpI

    The crowd here was absolutely wild when he popped up

  4. thuglife_7

    Rocking a Wranglers hat haaarrrrrrd. God I love this man

  5. And Darryl was up in the second deck 100m away from the nearest person lol.

  6. UrbaneBoffin

    I see Peter Hanlon and Sean Kelso, but not Don Maloney.

  7. LimitAsXApproaches0

    Plot Twist – Love becomes HC for the Flames and Iginla begins his professional coaching career as HC of the Wranglers.

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