@National Hockey League

Let’s Do This !!!!!

Let’s Do This !!!!!

by Blakesdad02


  1. Shenanigans315

    Theres no way they can blow another 3-1 lead, right?

  2. NeverBeenTopped

    Gonna carve the outline of the oilers logo directly in the middle, and that will be my piece..

  3. Current_District4402

    Made with pride and loyalty!

  4. slightlybearish

    Hope there’s enough left over for game 7

  5. CrewMemberNumber6

    Hopefully you won’t be eating crow by the end of the series.

  6. Heyyllama

    Hope you don’t mind your beverage straight from the bottle….. Doesn’t seem like there are any cups…..

  7. Basic_Group_5790

    I’m pulling for you guys tonight. Good luck

  8. MrMisties

    Right when I was rooting for the leafs, they make this… Go lightning ._.

  9. PDXalreadtused

    Ruins watched the Leafs do it first…

  10. Enough-Ad-3111

    I’ve heard of heart shaped pizzas for Valentine’s Day but TIL there’s a leaf shaped one in support of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

    That’s pretty cool.

  11. outofcontrol420

    1 pepperoni for ever year they never made it to next round? Would be cleaver marketing js

  12. redditsucksabigdick

    0-0 right now. Bolts fan here from Tampa area, that pizza looks delicious. If the Bolts dont take it, which I dont think we can. I hope Toronto, Seattle, Panthers or Carolina takes it. It would be nice to see some new names fighting for the cup. Always liked Matthews.

  13. Twist45GL

    Needs more pepperoni. Should have put one piece for each year since they won a cup. No wait, that might be too much pepperoni.

  14. s0ciety_a5under

    I’m personally hoping a lot of game 7’s come out of today.

  15. HotMicWaddell

    Leafs lose just because there isn’t any ‘bacon’ on this pizza

  16. thingsandstufffs666

    Looks like a choking hazard.

  17. ravenbisson

    Stamkos baby this game is not.over!!!!!!

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