@Tampa Bay Lightning

POSTGAME REACTION: Tampa Bay Lightning vs Toronto Maple Leafs, 4/29/23.

The Lightning fell to the Toronto Maple leafs at home on Saturday in overtime by the score of 2-1; surrendering the series 4-2. Hear from Steven Stamkos, Victor Hedman, and head coach Jon Cooper on the defeat.

0:00 – Steven Stamkos
3:09 – Victor Hedman
5:53 – Jon Cooper

#NHL #TampaBayLightning #BallySportsSun


  1. All teams that beat the leafs ended up in the cup final. Lets hope toronto takes this to the cup final. Tampa bay honestly should have eliminated leafs last game because Toronto played horrible game 3 and 4.

  2. stammer's reaction is classy: if bounces go your way you don't go complain about it either. so, as he said, you need that portion of luck as well to go ahead – and even more if you get 3 OT wins

  3. Last year I thought Toronto played somewhat better than Tampa, but couldn't get critical goals in the 3rd period & OT in game 6 vs Vasilevskiy & again in game 7. They shut down Tampa's stars in Kucherov, Stamkos & Hedman et al, but gave up 2 lucky bounce goals to Nick Paul, who'd done virtually nothing offensively up to that point. Tampa swept Florida & powered on to the final where the absence of Point caught up to them. This year, Toronto with better goaltending, managed to win every game in Tampa despite not playing their 'A' game, so sometimes you 'deserve' a better result, but you don't get what you want. Tampa will be back in the post-season next year, as they are still an elite team, so who knows what will happen then. That's why you play the games. Most forecasters had Boston smoking Florida, but that's now going to game 7 with the Vezina winner for 22/23 suddenly looking beatable. 3 awesome years for Tampa.

  4. aww poor babies enjoy the L. LIGHTING IS DONE THE DYNASTY IS OVER UR ALL SHIT ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. watching the other games, it sure as hell looks like tampa and toronto play harder than them all, which speaks volumes as to how good tampa and toronto are

  6. Exactly why I placed a $20 bet with my coworker, Leafs were due for a playoff series win. They got those breaks in OT and that is how close the league can be at times. There really isn't a bad team in the playoffs this year, only team that rolled over was WPG.

  7. I watched many years where everyone but the Leafs got the bounces. Shouldn't feel empty losing the first round now since the NHL limit the amount of teams that make the playoffs now. The 1st rd is like the old times 2nd rd.

  8. Tampa won 2 cups back to back wtf they not losers by any means the laughs still losers so what they won today it took 19 years to win 1 fucking rd so sad and pathetic and 56 yrs no cup the laughs still the losers in my eyes and ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  9. Big time congrats with how Cooper/Tampa et al acted right after the loss. Classy all the way. Thanks to them for teaching Leafs many important lessons.

  10. The referees rigged the series..cheating Tampa out of that goal…which would have given us that win..calling every little thing on Tampa many questionable penalties while Toronto was called out on virtually nothing..Stamkos had a very poor series…Kucherov also very poor series…bad defense in general..

  11. Grants leaf fans, bolts fans I'm super sad for you as my second favorite team I was rooting for you ๐Ÿ˜ข. But let's all now rally behind the panthers tommorow leafs bolts Panther fans together cheer for the cats to win! โค

  12. Cooper is such a good coach man. The lightning have been on an unbelieveable run these last few years. Respect for 2 good series. Go Leafs go!

  13. leafs fan here, Tampa you did amazing! absolute heart attacks when you guys touch the puck! wish the best for you guys

  14. Tampa is such a good team and enjoyful to watch. You guys will be back next season.

  15. Fair John cooper. Your team has been a damn beast. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ I was literally worried we werenโ€™t winning again


  17. Hope we get them pussy cats next round love going down to Florida for some road wins

  18. Having watched the Tampa Bay Lightning in the playoffs since Brian Boyle was our giant and Ben Bishop was our goalie…this is actually the best I've seen them play. They look younger, faster, and stronger. That was with Tanner Jeannot and Mikey Eyssimont having barely played due to bad injury timing…and those are key guys who are going to change the lineup and pace of this team…

    I don't think I have to explain Mikey Eyssimont. He covers large areas of the ice with his speed – but also has that snarl Yanni Gourde has. And having followed the Nashville Predators for many years…I know exactly what Tanner Jeannot is capable of: speed, strength, and massive retaliation. We have both physical and offensive threats on three (possibly four) lines. But what is the point of any of these guys…if the Lightning coaching staff neuter them?

    When Pat Maroon first showed up – I remember every single Lightning starting each game with hard hits. I remember Tyler Johnson taking out Boston Bruins players. They don't do that anymore – because the coaches have told them to play soft. We saw Point, Kucherov, and Stamkos purposely driven into the boards with intent to injure. We saw countless hits to the head (Cernak most notably, but there were others as well). The referees were clearly in the bag for the leafs and gave them powerplays for doing it! So what is the point of Maroon and Perry – if they're not taking out leaf superstars? The puck cycling?? Why is Tanner out of the lineup when every guy in the league fears him? This team should be feared next season – both for its offense – and as a physical threat! We have all the guys to do that!

  19. I am a leafs fan I love the team I just hate the fan base annoying little shits who never shut up now they can go home and cry you just lost to the leafs hahaha

  20. Statistically a better team???? Brodie they beat you John they were the better team with 7 games to prove it.

  21. Lesson learned to all remaining teams – shoot the puck in overtime. Too many passes by Tampa. Lost three overtime games in Tampa. Toronto won with two deflected wrist shots from the point and Tavares deflection off a Tampa skate. I think Gretzky once said he was sure he didnโ€™t score on 100 per cent of the shots he didnโ€™t take. Shoot the puck!

  22. Stampkos is a class act classy guy hockey is like the game of life if you dont get there its tough… respect a must love toronto โค

  23. I attended game 3 in Tampa. To you two meatheads who didnโ€™t stand for O Canada- grow up with respect for your neighbors. You two are truly losers.

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