@Winnipeg Jets

Blake Wheeler comments on Rick Bowness

Blake Wheeler comments on Rick Bowness

by info-warz


  1. Screamlngyeti

    Time to move on from wheeler and schieffle . Same shit every year. Enough is enough

  2. finnish-flash13

    Learn to take accountability Blake. Soft serve over here!

  3. ynotbuagain

    Sad bc he did have a decent series however its not about him! The team as a whole was as Bones said disappointing and DISGUSTING!

  4. Pretty easy to see why he had the ‘C’ stripped from him. Zero accountability. Nobody believes the team wasn’t fully aware of how Bones felt about their collapse and failure this season.

  5. Magical57

    Sorry Blake but it absolutely needed to be said the way Rick said it. He was asked his comments and he gave them as he saw it rather than making comments that hide the real issues going on. Nothing wrong with that. I think his comments were spot on, from what I was seeing anyway.

  6. zeusismycopilot

    Does Blake think the fans do not have eyes? Bones just said what everyone saw.

    I also see he is back to not wearing a Jets hat and promoting his own bullshit.

  7. Jennclarkrouire

    What an absolute baby. Grow up.

    I love Blake Wheeler. I do believe he’s given everything during his time here. But the game has passed him by.
    Is he worth 8 1/4. No. But if you take his contracts as a whole and average them out over his career it’s value for money. Deployment was the issue. Not talent and effort.

    But these comments are the delusions of a man who has lost touch with how the real world works.

  8. Greendaydude22

    Fuck I hate Blake wheeler so much. Take accountability. Jesus Christ I hate this mans attitude and complete inability for self reflection

  9. skilzkid

    His interview bothered me – later in the interview he was asked if Bones let him know his feelings in Jan/Feb/Mar and he said “I don’t know”. Everyone absolutely knows Bones had into them at least a little down that stretch. No judgement on this, but if being a dad is the most important thing, retire.

  10. DuboisManStrength


    I’ve been defending his ass. Take some responsibility

  11. ajlabman

    Blake Wheeler is one of the reasons why the Jets tanked, as well as a few other players. What a self centered jerk. When you don’t perform, there are consequences and if you can’t take criticism, maybe it’s time to hang up the skates. Oh wait, he has a big fat guaranteed contract so why be accountable.

    Bones said what needed to be said and the slackers needed to be called out. This problem started long before Bowness, and he had the balls to call them out.

    But we all know what happened to Wheeler’s balls.

  12. wpglatino

    Asked for a trade and had his C stripped. Done listening to thos clown

  13. Firm-Candidate-6700

    Down vote me to hell but he’s trying to stick up for his mates that are probably feeling pretty bad. Hate to break it to you guys but he doesn’t give a fuck what the fans think. He cares about his mates.

    That being said bones had every right to go up and make an honest statement after the loss.

  14. Block5Lot12

    Blake Wheeler, whether he is 36 years old or was tired or banged up after a long season, plays with such a low energy that anything he said in the year end media availability as a poor excuse.

  15. SherLocK-55

    I find it funny that he is pretending like he didn’t know how Bones felt and or it wasn’t conveyed to them when it clearly was even back in Jan (this wasn’t the first time Bones came out like this to media either as he did so after the break though not as candid)

    Let’s just move on from this core, enough is enough, doing the same thing over and over expecting different results and all that, insanity.

  16. ynotbuagain

    JEKYLL AND HYDE, JERTS OR JETS you never know who is coming to play on any given night! I truly believe not appointing a captain this year was a BIG mistake! Players didn’t have anyone in the trenches leading and kicking their deserved asses! 55 with an A, the laziest Jets, would you listen to him!? The on ice leadership was NEVER there this year and needs to be resolved. Lowry for Captain would be a WICKED start. My 4 cents a forever fan…GJG!

  17. Skylink56

    Bye Wheeler. He will have his number retired here as it should be but we are at the next phase in our Jets Avengers screenplay.

  18. WhyssKrilm

    there’s a lot to be said about the benefits of an “us against the world” mentality, but Blake takes it too far, and seemingly puts his own coach, and maybe even some of his own teammates, in the “the world” category when things aren’t going great and there’s even the slightest bit of blame coming his way. Closing ranks is counter productive when you’re excluding & dismissing people you need to work with to succeed.

  19. Pearl-ish

    👋 Wheeler

    👋 Hellebuyck

    👋 Scheifele

    👋 Chevy

  20. eh_toque

    Morrissey also said he didn’t agree with Bowness’ comments. I think Bowness has lost the room. And tbh Dallas fans said when he got the job that he was going to do this (blast the team publicly with no internal support).

  21. mazzysturr

    No more hiding behind closed doors where you helped toxicity run rampant that lead to an insanely fucked up room Wheels.

    Suck it up and looking forward to walking you in a couple seasons.

  22. fdisfragameosoldiers

    The shear defiance is astounding from this group.

  23. TheGreatStories

    Gahhhh from the highs of the WCF to blowing it up with only disappointment in between

  24. Not_A_Skeleton

    Well I didn’t like how you handled it during the game, Wheels. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  25. ottereckhart

    These guys have put themselves above the coaches for long enough. It’s not their place to judge his response to their shitty play. Not even shitty play, CONSISTENTLY poor effort for almost 50 games.

  26. Bowness had every right to state his best players fell way short. It was the truth. Lost 4 in a row to LV and played poorly. Other players who left this team have commented on the locker room as well being very disjointed.

  27. I got a Wheeler jersey in 2018. I’m not one to spend a lot of money on sports memorabilia, its not my thing. So i wanted one that would last. I found Wheeler’s leadership and determination inspiring.

    After this interview I wonder if I can go get it exchanged for a Lowry jersey.

  28. PeterPuck99

    Comes as a complete shock, because Bowness went into the room every time they shit the bed after the all star break and said great effort boys! Seriously?

  29. The_Intolerant_One70

    Whatever, Blake! You all played like you couldn’t wait to get back on the golf course. Considering your ridiculous salaries that NHL players make you boys don’t get to have a bad night, especially in the playoff season! Deflection at its finest. We need more coaches like Bowness who call it like it is!

  30. turbo12501

    What do you mean you didn’t know, Blake. Everyone was telling you that you were playing like shit. How much do you guys need to be told. Wake up.

  31. Mandalorian3-3-3

    Wheeler just exposed himself in this interview.

    Clearly he’s been an issue with leadership. Bones called it exactly what it was. The truth hurts.

  32. cgiffs4531

    They couldn’t get rid of him last year, no one would take him even if we took half his contract $$ . We’re screwed for another year with this toxic attitude

  33. WatchTheNorthEndDie

    Is he pretending this is the first time he’s heard this from Bones?

    Like, I don’t think Bones was a great hire for this group. But him not delivering a message isn’t the problem here. The team listening, well.

    Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out Schief and Wheeler.

  34. gepinniw

    The important question is, what’s on his hat? Stick figure Golden Boy holding a crucifix?

  35. blonde7896

    Hé even says « this is important in a lot of peoples lives » not my life, so just leave. He’s not invested he’s butt hurt getting his c stripped Byebye

  36. skippitypapps

    Fuck off, Wheeler. You embarrassed the city, the fans, and I would hope yourself with that pathetic fucking effort and now you can’t handle the truth.

    Take Scheifele with you.

    Time to clean fucking house in that locker room.

  37. raxnahali

    We have reached the tipping point with the current jets. They have squandered their opportunities and have no one to blame but themselves. This team is done contract wise and in the eyes of the fan base. All of these players have lost future value due to their play. Best part is Bones called them all out, I stand with Bones.

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