@Toronto Maple Leafs

Playoff Game Thread: ‘Who’s Our Round 2 Opponent?’ Edition: Game 7 – Florida Panthers @ Boston Bruins – 30 Apr 2023 – 6:30PM EST

#Florida [](/r/floridapanthers) Panthers (3 – 3) at Boston [](/r/bostonbruins) Bruins (3 – 3)


|03:30PM|04:30PM|05:30PM|06:30PM|07:30PM|##Watch, Listen and Talk:

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######Even if you’re coming ‘in peace,’ your presence is unwelcome. To interact with fans of other teams, go to r/hockey.

by vancyon


  1. leafman4000

    Tampa fans are the most delousional sports fans in the world

  2. Mapleleaffan149

    Aren’t we getting bostons first round pick this year (from the sandin trade)? If so, just another reason to root for Florida

  3. chriscmusic

    Can you all believe that we are watching a game to see who we are going to face in the second round? Fucking unbelievable

  4. JediKnight5313

    I will graciously accept whoever the hockey gods put in front of us.

  5. CorruptCanuck

    I for one would rather not play the team that broke all the regular season records. History aside.

    Go cats

  6. three_whack

    The hockey purist in me wants a Toronto – Boston series. The survivalist in me wants a Toronto – Florida series because I’m afraid neither Dangle nor I can live through another elimination by Boston.

  7. Svalbard38

    Won’t be able to watch this one, but I’ll be checking the scores and sending good vibes to the Panthers

  8. WolfofBallMeat

    Who do we want to annoy us next round? Marchand and McAvoy? Or Tkachuk and Gudas?

  9. JRB2000

    I’ll honestly take whomever, but our 1st round draft pick is a bit better if Boston loses in the first round.

  10. freakypsycho

    I love everything about moving on to the second round

  11. Linkmaster79

    I dunno about you guys but if Boston blows this I’m gonna be shocked. For once Boston will feel what we felt in 2021.

  12. WintersbaneGDX

    I’m rooting for the cats. I think we’re in a for a tough series either way. Boston losing does get us a better draft pick, as has been pointed out. We also get home ice against Florida.

    Even with all that, the big thing for me is the narrative. As joyous as it would be to finally get revenge on Boston, I’m tired of these storylines constantly looking backwards. We just got done with some demons. Do we really need a whole new set to deal with?

    A Leafs/Panthers series would be fresh and without precedent. We can focus on the here and now and not on some ghost from the past.

    As a personal aside… I hate Boston. I hate the Bruins, I hate the fans, I hate the city. I play Fallout 4 just so I can wander the ruins of an obliterated Boston. So for me, them getting humiliated in the first round is *chefs kiss*.

    Go cats!

  13. Matt4206969

    I just hope both teams have fun while I watch stress free playoff hockey 😀

  14. SnoopDoggMillionaire

    I’m rooting for a barnstormer of a game 7 that whichever team wins in 5OT. Make history here, Bruins and Panthers! Tire yourselves out!

  15. Iloveher12345

    Still surreal we’re in this position honestly, never mind the fact that we’re waiting to see who we face in the second round🥹

  16. backstreets_93

    So wild we get to have a thread like this.

    Go Cats!

  17. Jonesdeclectice

    For the sake of 1. FUCK THE BRUINS, 2. owning home ice in the 2nd round, and 3. having a better 1st round pick (since we own Boston’s first), I’m rooting cats the whole way through! How delightful it would be to draft some as of yet unknown superstar who would have otherwise landed in Boston LMFAO

  18. Funkskadellic

    Im just fucking ecstatic to be here.

  19. Big_Solution_1065

    A not so small part of me would welcome the chance to send Boston packing and avenge that 2013 tragedy.

  20. re-verse

    I keep thinking something like this:


    What are Boston and Florida doing over the next 48 hours? Fighting for their lives.

    What are the Leafs doing at the same time? Resting up and making sure they are fresh and ready to take on whatever is left of whichever team wins.

  21. TyranitarusMack

    I kinda hope the Bs get absolutely blown out, that would be pretty funny.

  22. toasterbath__

    lets go cats 🤞🏽 would love a leafs-panthers series. would ALSO love to see boston get eliminated on home ice (and blow a 3-1 lead)

  23. Murky-Smoke

    The boys are ready for whomever they must face.

    The only thing I hope for is a gruelling, draining, extremely long and incredibly physical game 7.

  24. sometimesalwaysnope

    I think Montgomery is gonna regret the goalie change

  25. Deluxechin

    I wanna face the team who we are more likely to beat, I’m not entirely sure what team that is though

  26. ZeroMomentum

    If the panthers come out loose and bruins play tight would be the worst case for the Boston

  27. thedistrict33

    hope they absolutely beat the shit out of each other and go 7 overtimes

  28. latenitehero

    Not not hoping for some light injuries to take out some key players for a few games

  29. latenitehero

    Bruin starting with a fresh goalie for g7, interesting

  30. labadee

    i want florida to have a home ice crowd both home and away. i also need to hear a dejected Jack Edwards

  31. CreateDontConsume

    Well this is new, could get use to this

  32. backstreets_93

    God Bergeron is so handsome.

    Its ridiculous.

  33. Pencil_of_Colour

    Bro this is just so relaxing just watching great hockey without emotional attachment.

  34. WintersbaneGDX

    Well no matter what happens, at least I won’t have to constantly be reminding myself which blue and white team is which.

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