@Calgary Flames

McDavid knee on knee with Weegar – Have your say!

Connor McDavid cut back on MacKenzie Weegar, and the two went knee on knee. There was no penalty on the play. Was it a trip or a knee, or was there really nothing to it? Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Knee on knee and a penalty for sure, but I donโ€™t think that was Weegarโ€™s intent. McDavid can cut back so fast that players have to extend just to try and keep up, and this was the unfortunate consequence. Saddest part is no Oilers stepped up when they saw their best player go down like that.

  2. Mr. Weegar has a reputation and clearly, you can observe him not even looking at or attempting to retrieve the puck just going after Mr. McDavid.

    Mr. Weegar made me laugh so hard one time he lined up one of my boys, possibly Mr. Dahlin who sidestepped the charge and Mr. Weegar ends up doing a half flip on the bench dashboard, probably hurt himself in an attempt to "hurt" another player.

    Perhaps some players like Mr. Weegar who get outplayed and cannot check with their shoulders will do whatever they can to interrupt the flow of the play.

    As always I offer the analogy of soft ice and bad officiating, both teams have to endure it.

  3. He was looking right him and lined it up. Suspension should happen.

  4. Stuck his knee out when he was going to get beaten. Led with his knee could have been career ending for the best player in the world. At some point the NHL is going to have to crack down on this.

  5. McDavid just tried to get away last second. I'd say that cause the if really any bad contact.

  6. McDavid changed paths last second. No penalty needed and definitely no suspension!

    Refs missed a lot of calls in this game but made the right call in this situation.

  7. As an Oilers fan, Iโ€™m ashamed at how soft this team is, your star player gets taken out and you donโ€™t do shit about it. What a joke.

  8. First, I'd like to point out how much of a joke these NHL "crackdowns" on non-violent offenses are…

    Then we have potentially career ending hits like this, and 99% of the comments are about how Edmonton needs a goon to enforce the rules… With the way the NHL is today, I would have to agree… They seem to have no genuine regard for the health and safety of their players…

    Guaranteed, if the NHL doesn't change their tune, some team is just going to hire a genuine psycho that just likes to hurt people and make an even bigger mockery of this league.

    In my opinion, if you treat any intent to injure like they do with head-shots, NHL teams wouldn't need to hire private goons to do what the refs are already being paid to do, objectively. Which clearly isn't happening, so I'd vote for eye in the sky reffing at this point. Stripes on ice are clearly inferior to having numerous cameras from numerous angles on the ice.

    Why the refs and the NHL refuse to enforce the whole rulebook is beyond me, especially as we see full video replay reviews on any delay of game penalty for puck over the glass, offside, etc. We have the technology employed already, and just refuse to use it to keep players safe.

  9. Are you kidding? Weeger knew who he was hitting and he did intend it. No Kassian type guy on the Oilers anymore to deal with it. The Oilers are weak in my opinion.

  10. Hockey is a fast paced game. Only posting slow motion where you can pretend a player is making split second decisions at slow motion speed shows bias. Post videos with full speed then slow motion. Just some constructive criticism.

  11. Total kneeing situation…You just have to look at Bobby Orr to see how McDavid could end up if POS like weegar are not taught a lesson…y the league AND an Oiler enforcer…Oilers need another Semenko…Take the penalties but after a while the weegars will tire of being a punching bag…The NHL needs their elite players ….

  12. Totally led with his knee when he knew he was beaten…..Ken Holland should be ashamed, He has the two best players and he doesn't protect them. This is Oilers hockey and we beleive in protecting the stars and need players who will play tough. Embarrassing as yet another gm doesnt like toughness

  13. As much as I dislike the knee-on-knee contact, Weegarโ€™s knee was well inside his own shoulder-span: no penalty!

  14. Mcbaby should've maybe taken the hit. Lol. Be a man take the hit no penalty no knee on knee. He doesn't mind elbowing, slashing, cross checking but when he gets hit. Awe poor baby.

  15. Connor McDavid is the fastest most elusive player in the NHL. We have all seen it. He sometimes goes around world class hockey players like magic. NHL hockey is a high speed contact sport. When you have the speed and mobility of Connor McDavid in a high speed contact sport…as the saying goes "stuff happens". By the way, I am not an Oilers fan but I am a massive fan of Connor and of fair and respectful play in sport. Connor is an absolute, undisputed superstar and extremely important to the NHL and hockey world wide. He is an icon. I've seen him get mugged, thugged and abused and I'm strongly, strongly against it. Dirty, disrespectful play has no place in sport. This situation was not that. It was an unfortunate high speed collision.

  16. I like how people call it premeditated when McDavid changing course brought knee action more than just being hit center body.

  17. Weegar should get suspended for it.
    He has heard of Connor MCdavid, i assume and should expect sudden movements.
    He stuck his leg out.
    The kneeing was not intentional but well-accepted as a consequence from weegar.
    Getting more and more sick of the excuses for D-men making dangerous contact against McDavid – "oh, they lack the skill, these poor, slow men just couldn'T get out of the way anymore".
    Cry me a river.

  18. Camera doesnt show McDavid yelling and crying to get a penalty and when he realized one wasnt coming he proceeded to stay on ice for more then another minute. Almost cost oilers a goal while trying to cry into existence a penalty.

  19. McDavid the one who changed course. If you are weaving in and out of defenders this is going to happen, he can't expect it not to.

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