@Toronto Maple Leafs

[NHL Player Safety] Florida’s Sam Bennett has been fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for Cross-checking against Toronto’s Michael Bunting.

[NHL Player Safety] Florida’s Sam Bennett has been fined $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA, for Cross-checking against Toronto’s Michael Bunting.

by FutureAnybody


  1. FutureAnybody

    And nothing for the Knies incident lol

  2. NiteOwlI

    Sickening. This might honestly be my last season watching NHL content. The deck is consistently stacked against the team I care about.. so what is the point?

  3. LegendaryKidKatana

    Fuck I’d take that trade if all I get is a 2 min penalty and lose my pocket change for the day.

  4. Woullie_26

    Considering what Lafferty got vs Tampa. It’s par for the course lmao.

    And no he won’t get shit for the WWE move on Knies

  5. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Ok so expect a doomsday device on Tkachuk next game because wresting moves are legal now I suppose

  6. LogDelicious8010

    Why are millionaires fined at max 5,000 for being dirty little rats? That’s a good CBA. Bullshit. 5000 to him is 5 to you or me.

  7. apatcheeee

    It’s concerning that I’m actually surprised he got any sort of disciplinary from DOPS. Was fully prepared to hear nothing from DOPS, which is indicative how bad of a job they have done and are doing.

  8. nazemthedream

    The fact that no one went after Bennett yesterday is ridiculous. I’m not saying that Wayne should only be out there to eliminate him but holy fuck someone do something to the guy who takes out our 20 year old rookie and cross checks Bunting in the back of the head.

    I don’t care what anyone says about Simmonds can’t skate, Simmonds can’t play hockey anymore. The 38 year old pride loving Eric fucking Staal still plays for the other team. Florida raised the bar for dirty and we have to respond

  9. TMLeafs91

    Not stopping this here and now is just gonna make things so much worse. We have at least 2 more games. Let’s send a team out there angry for game 3 and see what happens. What a joke league.

  10. RavenBlade87

    Zero consistency or accountability in this league at all

    Fucking embarrassment

  11. No_Calligrapher_8493

    Good, get fucking angry. This should make their fucking blood boil.

    Use it and destroy them

  12. SnooHobbies9078

    Plus nothing for the flying elbow in game 1

  13. LivingLifeSomewhere

    What about knies and what about a suspension… lol

  14. LivingLifeSomewhere

    Send out simmonds to head hunt this guy and take one for the team. He can target tkachuck while he’s at it as well.

  15. Lol fucking joke of a league. The more this happens the more it’s absolutely ludicrous that Bunting got 3 games.

  16. #🤡 LEAGUE

    And people wonder why the NHL is way behind the other three major North American sports leagues

  17. Jmac24mats13

    George Parros is an actual idiot. No consistency at all with these, at least Shanahan was consistent and would put out a video explaining his reasoning. This goon can’t even do that

  18. Barilko-Landing

    What about the suplex on knies???

  19. free_range_discoball

    What an absolute joke. How do you suspend Bunting for THREE GAMES for an elbow to the head, but a completely intentional cross check to the head is a fine. They should be ashamed

  20. lpuckeri

    Bennett has been running around like a fucking madman all playoffs. DoPS is a joke.

    In two games this series:

    Charging with head contact on Kampf

    Clothesline to headslam on Knies(resulting in injury)

    Cross check to the head followed with one to the back of Bunting

    Brutal high stick cutting open Oreilly’s face


    hell thats just the ones i remember atm.

  21. buddachickentml

    Player safety/George Parros = complete joke

  22. Repulsive_Response99

    Cue leaf player doing something similar next game and getting suspended for the series.

  23. EvaBongoria

    2x prior suspension. 1 for boarding in in 2021 playoffs vs tampa,

    And 3 games for illegal check to the head vs Montreal in Jan 2022.

    Clearly has a history…. Gets fine.

    Burning has no history, gets 3 playoff games.

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