@Toronto Maple Leafs

Ridiculous double standard by NHL Player Safety

Mike Matheson of the Panthers actually got suspended for 2 games for doing the exact same bodyslam move to Elías Petterson a couple years back.

Like…it was identical.

So yes, a suspension is warranted for the slam on Knies.

by zevHS


  1. LorenzoVonMatterh0rn

    Pretty fucked up that you can do shit like that and get away scott free

  2. redditor1221221

    The Panthers are trashy. Hope they never win a cup ever lol.

  3. LeafsRealist

    Yeah thats the first play that came to mind.

  4. dreamsdrop

    Wow. That’s surprisingly similar. Good memory OP

  5. mohawk_67

    I hope the team is as pissed as us fans. I hope they respond by playing legit hockey

  6. anthonyd3ca

    How surprising, it’s the Panthers again.

  7. Reggae4Triceratops

    Fuck all the Canuck fans in /r/hockey saying it’s not a suspension. So many idiots in there are so blinded by their hatred of the Leafs that they can’t look at anything happening to them objectively.

  8. alagusis

    This wasn’t even as egregious as the play on Knies

  9. Longjumping-Lawyer17

    Sam Bennett and the Florida Panthers are filthy as fuck, if you need to play shitty dirty hockey to win, you don’t deserve to win. The NHL officiating is such a fucking joke.

    And that’s not a Leafs bias, I’m a Devils fan and nothing about Sam Bennett’s behavior in the game was acceptable and should of bare minimum gotten a game misconduct and ejected from the game for that hit on Knies.

  10. Deluxechin

    problem is this play happened during the regular season, the NHL has some weird as fuck rules when it comes to this shit for some reason and has deemed that if something dirty happens in the playoffs it has a 1 in 50 chance of being a suspension (unless its Bunting)

    I’m sorry Benett should be suspended 2 games, 1 for the Kines play and 1 for the Bunting crosscheck, the fact he got a fine that means less than nothing is fucking stupid and is showing the league that these types of things are fine, I means what to stop him from doing this exact same play on Matthews or Marner next game? why not take out the entire left side of the Leafs? run the goalie? like this league is just saying “yea its fine to injure players to help you win a series”

    I mean we saw a player break another players neck these playoffs and it didn’t even get a call from the league, like that’s what I hate so much about this league, its not entire the lack of DPoS making a suspension, its the fact they won’t even make a call to see what happened, like I’m sorry having a player be boarded causing a neck break should automatically result in the league calling in the player and having them defend themselves, something should’ve happened with Benett but alas who cares, just “Playoff hockey”

    so then why is this playoff hockey and Bunting elbowing someone in the head not?

  11. Emlelee

    And the missed tripping call 5 seconds before…

  12. Mormac83

    This is not even close to being the same.

  13. AustichMavarlander

    George Parros is a fuckin loser who hates the Leafs. Was anyone really surprised? I didnt even think theyd look at it.

  14. CommanderTouchdown

    Most dangerous thing in the NHL is a defender who’s been embarrassed.

    Petey skated circles around Matheson all game and this was retribution for being a more skilled player. Petterson wasn’t right for a significant chunk of games after this. One of the most disgusting things I’ve seen in a game.

  15. irkybirky

    That’s why the league used to have enforcers this shit wouldn’t happen. Sam Bennett would be answering to Tony twist for that BS. You think he would have crosschecked anyone knowing he would have to answer the Bell? No I didn’t think so, cowards never will

  16. Yeah DOPS is fuxking horrible at their job and every hit is 50 50 if anything happens.

  17. Bug_Independent

    I have no idea how this guy is still playing in the NHL.
    He better hope to fuck Knies can recover.
    We know how dumb ass moves like that shit worked out for bertuzzi.

    Absolute piece of shit.

  18. Inevitable-Ad4029

    Lol whining on a Reddit sub will never change anything …. ever

  19. 1337duck

    Chucky not being the dirtiest player on the Panthers really says something about their team.

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