@Calgary Flames

According to Friedman, the Flames have shown interest in former Hawks GM Stan Bowman

According to Friedman, the Flames have shown interest in former Hawks GM Stan Bowman

by BetheChange93


  1. TheAnimal89

    If they hire Bowman I’m genuinely throwing my jersey on the ice

  2. Theboofgoof

    Who’s gonna be coach, Gary Glitter?

  3. GooseDevito

    In what world does that make sense!? Not only is he a piece of shit who actively aided in covering up sexual assault, he was almost single-handedly responsible for the catastrophic downfall of the Blackhawks.

  4. bdecs77

    No god please no no no I do not want him near this team

  5. CaptinDerpI

    I’d rather eat my dogs feces than have that happen

  6. Full_Examination_920

    Hey, I finally agree with everyone here. This is beyond stupid.

  7. Paulhockey77

    Just promote conroy if your gonna waste your time looking at bums like bowman

  8. JohnYCanuckEsq

    The only thing Stan Bowman needs to be an adequate GM is two generational first round picks. Those grow on trees, right?

  9. crossfire999

    What? Like….. WHAT??? This HAS to be a joke right? Even Fried can hear wrong stuff.

    I will literally bail on this org if this happens, and I’m pretty sure the outrage amonst other fans will hold a massively negative influence on the Flames’ revenue through tickets and merch.

    He is literally one of the worst type of human beings, and he’s fucking stupid to boot.

  10. LSRaymonds

    Let’s go for a home run, shall we? Why not bring Chiarelli with him and accelerate my liver failure?

  11. DoctorTobogganMD3

    Becoming a Kraken fan if this happens.

  12. DangerRanger_21

    Yeah I’ll just go cheer for Florida if they hire this guy

  13. assassinfred

    Bowman better not come anywhere near this team. We already had the Peters controversy there’s no way they’ll sign up for this one too, right?

  14. ReactiveCypress

    I have to think this is just a contingency thing and that they’re just kicking the tires. I would hope so anyways

  15. undeletable-2

    I’ll march to Edmonton and suck McDavid’s dick and never watch the Flames again if this man is brought into the organization.

  16. Synyster_Suds

    When they said they wanted someone younger who had a fresh perspective I’m not really sure this is what they had in mind.

    I understand they are most likely doing their due diligence and talking to everyone available. At least that’s what I hope it’s going on here.

    Stick to your idea of finding someone relatively newer and stay away from the dinosaurs

  17. Associate_Simple

    Can we stop recycling people and go out and get a forward thinking GM.

  18. DoctorSalter


    No. This would legitimately get me to stop being to a flames fan. I know my opinion doesn’t matter but I literally cannot support a team that has a man like him at the helm.

  19. If they hire Bowman and Quenneville I hope they get all the vitriol thrown their way

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