@National Hockey League

Hey, Toronto is 3-0 and on the verge of being swept want you wanted? You chanted “We Want Florida!” only to be down 3-0.

Hey, Toronto is 3-0 and on the verge of being swept want you wanted? You chanted “We Want Florida!” only to be down 3-0.

by Python_Gaming


  1. DredgenCrudelis

    They are Leaf fans so they are just chanting where they want their post season golf destination to be.

  2. BubbaSpanks

    Lol….they did bring their golf clubs with them

  3. Idk why this keeps being brought up. Every team in the league would have preferred to play Florida over Boston in the second round, had they needed to match up with one of them.

  4. PancakeJunkie8

    Meh all in good fun Florida deserves all the credit in the world.

  5. Justus44

    Posts about some of the leafs fans being annoying are getting even more annoying

    Like, we get it, they shout something and it’s backfired. Haha, funny, but not for the 100500 time in a day

  6. AppaJuicee

    Because they were suppose to want Boston???

  7. Tileguy0425

    The ridiculous thing is how other teams fans have gone so hard on this. If the options are a team you’ve never been able to get past or a team that barely made the playoffs obviously leaf fans would take their chances with the latter. Hockey fans just gonna hate on the leafs regardless. If they won the cup you’d still find something to bitch and complain about. Probably a bunch of mtl fans living off the glory days chirping when they didn’t even make the playoffs.

  8. bippityboppityzopp

    If you ever find yourself without a shirt on in a public gathering, you’re a douchebag.

  9. beans12312341234

    I would argue that this is not what the meant by “we want florida”

  10. kavorka999

    Life long leafs fan here. Fully acknowledging the fan base is insufferable. The silver lining to all of these horrific losses is knowing these idiots are suffering too.

  11. raptor333

    Funny as someone who grew up downtown Toronto, these fans don’t look like an accurate representation of Toronto at all

  12. KJMoons

    Wow, I haven’t seen a post saying literally the same thing in about 15 minutes

  13. DenseBasketball

    Leave ‘em be. It’s supposed to be fun.

  14. skruiss

    sure. ill take it 🤷‍♂️. Only one team can win…. all this shit talk is embarrassing imo.

  15. AaronGossagesBerg

    Honestly I always thought this chant to be more of a fuck Boston chant than them saying they’re gonna wipe Florida

  16. GuestUser1982

    Leafs nation will never not make themselves a meme

  17. ProfessionStraight

    the leafs players are as soft as their fans

  18. pootsy_collins666

    Not a Leafs fan and I know this is usually in good fun, (although it can get seriously ugly sometimes), but they’re just fans bein fans feelin excited. Whaaaatever.

  19. Famous-Ebb5617

    What’s wrong with this? Should they not be excited and confident? What should a fan base do? Only be confident and cocky once they are up in the series cuz that’s loser shit.

  20. ZPortsie

    Somebody doesn’t like that Toronto moved on…

  21. elektricheat

    Fans aren’t playing the games. We should have wanted Florida. It’s not on the fans that the team isn’t getting it done.

  22. figgerer

    I don’t see why this is a big deal. Like others have said, they were chanting for what seemed like the easier match up at the time. Also, It’s in good fun and shouldn’t be taken too seriously.

    I went to Oilers round 2 game 4 last year and after the big win everyone was chanting “we want the cup!” Of course, the Oilers didn’t end up winning the cup. I don’t recall seeing annoying Redditors posting clips of that chant with mocking descriptions afterwards. Let people have a bit of fun.

  23. clizzyclap

    Did you write the title of this post drunk or?

  24. ConsciousSetting

    I’m not a leafs fan, but why hate on passionate fans? At least they come out and stand outside and get into it.

  25. TheNextBattalion

    I don’t understand the taunting here. Who wouldn’t prefer the lower odds?

    That’s the whole point of seeding anyways: rewarding teams’ season performance with better odds of advancing in the playoffs.

  26. darkkiller1234

    Yeah every single team would prefer Florida over the team that holds the record for the most wins a regular season

  27. srainey58

    Man I hate when the fans get things wrong sometimes. Really gets me riled up

  28. Ryansmelly

    How many of these posts am I going to see in one day???

  29. sundintoronto

    The fans also chanted “we want Boston” but holy fuck the amount of threads being created about this is annoying. The new “annoying Leafs fan” is gonna end up being other fans talking about Leafs fans now

  30. Dr_Brain_

    They also chanted we want Boston before and after this. Clown post

  31. ThreeSnowshoes

    Good news. You wanted it…you got it.

    The good news is, when you get swept out of the vestibule of the Panther’s arena after game 4, you’re already at your postseason golf destination. Hope you had the “fore”sight (or is it “four-sight” 🤔) to bring your clubs.

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