@Arizona Coyotes

Eichel high stick on Yamamoto; McNabb cross check on Bjugstad – no calls, leads to Vegas goal

Jack Eichel clearly catches Kailer Yamamoto in the face with his stick. Yamamoto grabs his face and stops playing, but doesn’t get a call. Immediately after the high stick Brayden McNabb knocks Nick Bjugstad down from behind with a high crosscheck push, which also goes uncalled. Vegas went right down the ice and scored.


  1. Fun to watch. Great no calls. Finally Edmonton feels what Vegas felt the first two games.

  2. Oilers need to show emotion and woodcroft should have put the heavies out last 2 minutes like vegas did . But u see marchelant and others wanted nothing to with us cause they little cry babies . Nurse wanted to fight no takees huh lol. We lost we need to be better .

  3. It's fine not calling anything, but keep it consistent for both teams. That second crosscheck call on Drai was incredibly weak, as was the slash on him. If you're going to "miss' those calls on Vegas, don't call weak ass penalties on the Oilers, that's all I ask.

  4. There were 2 penalties missed in that sequence. Eichel for high sticking & a cross check from McNabb. The officiating has been awful in these Stanley Cup playoffs so far.

  5. These were terrible non calls. This is what led to the Kane crosscheck on Petriengelo. When blatant penalties are missed things get out of hand.

  6. This play completely fucked the rest of the game for the oilers. Refs were betting on Vegas. I’m so mad that this series has just been shifted partly due to officials that “don’t have an influence on the game”.

  7. Eichel has the longest stick for an average sized player. He can't keep anything under control. See his facial reactions to everything.

  8. Ref was behind, couldn't see the stick hitting the face. Definitely a penalty, but you can understand how it was missed. Also, Yamamoto wasn't hit that hard in the face, but he tried to sell it, and stopped playing… and then they get scored on…

  9. NHL officiating is embarrassing, let’s have the refs do a presser after! My god get a 5th guy out there is something

  10. Nice how the refs favor and tilt the ice, it's not like the knights are hitting 55% on the power play. Lmfao Lmfao. Making it pretty obvious they do.

  11. I don`t mind the no call vs. Eichel. Think that play is allright. The other one is just a cross check to the back that must be whistled 100% of the time.
    Refs have been horrible and inconsistent through all the playoffs so far, which is bad, as i miss a clear line they follow.
    Missing a lot of obvious calls and then making some soft ones sucks.

  12. looks about right. Ref 10 feet away looking directly at the play and decides not to call it. NHL refs really are entirely inconsistent and horrible

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