@Tampa Bay Lightning

Michael Bunting interference on Erik Černák – Tough Call Suspension Recommendation

Michael Bunting received a match penalty for this hit to the head of Erik Černák. He’ll also have a hearing today with the NHL’s Department of Player Safety.


  1. I disagree that a bump is the right hockey play there. Cernak was still in the middle of turning his head and identifying the puck. He barely noticed bunting coming at him, and he was later than bunting at reacting. Also, the puck wrapped around to the pinching D, and bunting was never going to make it into the play here.

  2. The thing that really sets it apart for me is the fact that Bunting's skates leave the ice during his upward motion. At the end of the hit you can see light and shadow under his skate blades. Any appropriate amount of force wouldn't cause his skates to leave the ice like that.

  3. On behalf of Tampa, I'd like to decline Bunting's impending suspension as long as he's forced to play on Toronto's top line again. What a liability. 😆

  4. Guys its playoffs and he has no history, also got a 5 and match during the game, he'll get 1 game.

  5. I think bunting meant to get cernak back from earlier, thought he knew exactly where cernak was and his body positioning. Ended up being wrong and it’s gonna cost him. Either way dirty play by a dirty player

  6. He’s closer to the puck and faster. No need to create separation. His shoulder is high so his elbow could extend. He’s a punk. Leafs are the all time leaders in excuses…refs,goalied,unlucky,injuries..blah fkn blah.

  7. I think this one is well worthy of a Major, Match and 1-3 games. Most likely it was revenge from earlier in the game. I would adjust the length of the sussy in accordance with how bad Cernak’s injury is.

  8. Am I the only person that thinks this was completely unintentional and 100% accidental? poor bunts, getting blamed for the leafs lack of energy.

  9. When I saw it live I thought it was a bit of a soft 2 minute minor for interference, but watching it back, I get why it was a 5 minute major and a game misconduct. It doesn't look like Bunting was purposefully trying to hurt Cernak, but it was obvious head contact, and we need that out of the game. I'm glad Jarnkrok has chemistry with Matthews and Marner; we'll need him to step up and play well for a while.

    I'd also be surprised if Bunting gets more than 1 game from the league for this. This is way less vicious than the hit Clifford threw last year that also got a 1 game suspension.

  10. Years ago, working in a large manufacturing plant, there were guys who loved to spread just the right rumour to wind somebody up. Most guys learned to ignore their bullshit, but there were a few who no matter how many times their buttons got pushed with bullshit, they'd react. They'd never learn. Michael Bunting strikes me as one of those types.

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