@Florida Panthers

Made this meme for the sub

There’s a lot of text. That means it must be ๐Ÿ‘

by TheYepe


  1. TheYepe

    It’s time to fight, everyone. This is Playoff Hockeyโ„ข๏ธ

  2. TherealDJStryker

    We started to get cocky and gave away Game 4

  3. dfort1986

    Who is giving up all hope? Sure, whatever pressure was there to sweep last night has now increased a bit, but Leafs played a perfect game and won by 1. Panthers played an awful game and lost by 1. That would have to happen 3 more times for this to be over for us. Impossible? No. Unlikely, very.

  4. Just because some of us criticized the speed and urgency of our players last game doesn’t mean we are giving up.

  5. bglaros

    That game was 1-1. The leafs got puck luck on that first goal as it bounced off the official. If that bounces off bob and goes it it’s called back. So the leafs acting like they gonna repeat like the 42 team is crazy to me. The math is against you.

  6. sensfan088

    I think the Panthers need to play with a lot more urgency in Game 5, even if Game 6 is back in Sunrise. They need to treat it like a Game 7 otherwise the series will get away from them in a hurry

  7. Pickled-Herring

    After clenching my butthole through games 5,6, and 7 against the Bruins, our loss last night was practically a walk in the park. I’m not even slightly bothered yet.

  8. bglaros

    I kinda think that they all thought the leafs had bought into the we’re screwed hype and would just rollover. But i also think that the leafs are under that much more pressure returning home now they won one.

  9. You’re not gonna win every game. We got to watch a good hockey game, and we happened to not win it. I am still happy with the game and the team.

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