@Washington Capitals

Alex Ovechkin comments on Vladimir Putin and War in Ukraine

Russian hockey star, Alex Ovechkin, was asked several questions regarding the recent invasion from Russia on Ukraine. Ovechkin said he hopes the conflict will be “done soon” but the situation is “out of his hands”.


  1. Never know …Putin might have something on Ovechkin…and Ovechkin..has a family . there…and Putin is a criminal…
    He has got it on Donnie Diaperoni…and a lot more ..
    Poison…missiles . … nuclear..etc etc. Nothing is impossible for a scum bag

  2. This guy doesn’t have to answer these questions he’s a hockey legend… Like he said, I’m an athlete not a politician. And I’m saying this after his 802 career goal 🥅 🏒

  3. my God. why don't you understand? Man like ovechkin allow evil growing up all the time. And now he wonder that they will start World War 3 like Hitler. shame on you, mr. ovechkin! primitive stupid!!! Russia is MORDOR and they are goblins, orcs and hogs. They made their own putin. Panarin is only Russian hockey player who said that putin is wrong way. Not all russians are the same…

  4. Were US hockey players questioned about the illegal invasion of Iraq by Bush in 2003? Hundreds of thousands of people died because of the lies of WMD.

  5. Ovechkin openly campaigned for Putin and has been an apologist for his brutal regime for years. The regime used his support to burnish Putin’s image as a strong leader. Let’s not pretend that Ovi is just a run-of-the mill Russian hockey player.

  6. Много ли спортсменов из США заставляли говорить свою позицию о вторжении сша в Ирак???

  7. Who tf cares? He’s not a politician…. You people drastically forget the same right you have to criticize him is the same right he has to have a different opinion.

  8. As a current history student, I must say that any of you denouncing Ovi for these answers don’t have one bit of a concept of why he said what he said and why his social media hasn’t changed. He can’t say anything about how he truly feels, his family and friends would suffer the backlash in Russia. Russia is not a democratic country, it never has been. Putin is a former Soviet KGB Agent, so for all intents and purposes he still is a man of the Soviet System. Ovi is not a politician, and I highly doubt he condones this senseless war that his country’s president has waged for almost a year, but he can’t say so without there being consequences. Take off the blinders and look at history for god’s sake.

  9. He’s not going to openly bash Russia/Putin. He has family there and people fall off buildings pretty darn easily over there

  10. Jesus the amount if ignorance in these comments about Russia and how it conducts its business is beyond embarrassing .. you bigots have no clue about our country yet you spew your propaganda that is bottle fed to you in the west from birth 😂🤡 he likes Putin majority of us like Putin ! Putin bleeds Russia period ! I know it’s difficult to comprehend that a president actually does what is best for his country and her people but that’s what Putin does ! Almost 30 years in power and Russia has never been stronger or better or self sufficient! The western clowns are STILL attempting to sanction a country that does not need them ! Get it ! Russians aren’t paying $30 a lb for meat or $300 electric bills or having their bank accounts frozen like in Canada .. get a clue and turn off the bs you see on MSM ! It honestly boggles my mind how any half way intelligent adult can still buy in to this clear biased propaganda.. especially after America has been caught in so many lies ! “Operation Iraqi freedom anyone” stop thinking your the good guys your governments have killed MILLIONS around the world but because Ukrainian happen to be blond hair and blue eyed it’s “slava” this and that ( screaming Russian btw) !!! 🤦🏼‍♀️

  11. These reporters are stupid AF.. He literally cant speak against Putin on national television or his literal life is on the line. Get the hint..

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