@Los Angeles Kings

Tkachuk with a vicious elbow to the face of Doughty

Calgary Flames rookie Matthew Tkachuk got away with one after dropping Drew Doughty with an elbow directly to the face. No penalty on the play.


  1. My thoughts on this: Tkachuk knew Doughty was there. They had been playing physically against each other all night. Tkachuk had his back turned, and was expecting Doughty to play the body. Instead, Doughty cut further to his left to play the puck as it was going slower than expected, and was thus going in a different direction than when Tkachuk last saw him. Tkachuk wanted to make a hard physical play to keep position, but instead of where he expected Doughty's hip/hands would be, there was nothing there and momentum carried it up into Doughty's face.

    It was intended to be a hard play, but I don't think it was one intended to be as vicious as it ended up being. Tkachuk is young and plays hard, and as he gets stronger, older, and wiser he will rely on these kinds of tactics less and less. Also keep in mind that he's 19 years old, playing against some of the world's most highly tuned athletes, some nearly twice his age, and also that sometimes kids do stupid things.

  2. the league and it's players have gone soft, it's a penalty not a suspension smh and doughty is a somewhat tough guy so get your ass up and quit bitching, I've had worse hits on me in minor leagues that didn't even end up in pensltys because I got back up quick and continued playing, such whinny bitches and is why I don't watch the NHL anymore

  3. go after all the little scrawny wimp players in the league please, they all need there bells rung and crunched to scare them back to the minors, I liked Sean Avery's list, one by one crunch them all, watch them cry their way off the ice

  4. Tkachuk is one of the best players on the flames. He has had his fair share of cheap shots against himself from other players that have injured him way passed the point of doughty. p.s. Doughty is not exactly a clean player when you get right down to it.

  5. this was just one play that happened on drew doughty that happened to get caught. I can guarantee that if Tkachuk hit a no-name player he would never have been in as much bullshit for it. guaranteed

  6. he better get suspended 1-2 games…otherwise some goons on other teams are going to fawk him up

  7. Anyone defending Tkachuk is A. a homer B. related to him C. still thinks the league needs more players like Rafi Torres

  8. Yeah it wasn't the most clean play but I love how he does this and everyone thinks he'll become the dirtiest player ever.

  9. what was the ref looking at…. this is an easy game misconduct and a few more for suspension.. refs are not good enough in todays NHL

  10. This is what standing up for yourself looks like in case you didn't notice but Doughty was gonna run him from behind

  11. Tkachuk still needs to get elbowed in the temple as far as Im concerned. Then, it will be even 🙂

  12. Check out the Oilers/Flames game last night, game 2 of the series and the check behind the Oilers net on the Oilers defence . Same thing. Nobody mentioned it but it was pretty clear to me there was an elbow in there. I would love to hate Tkachuk because he is one of those guys that you hate unless he plays on your team. But he takes some sense of pride in getting away with dirty hits and sucker punches. He will end somebody’s career some day. The only good thing I can say about him is that he occasionally takes his medicine for his stupidity.

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