@Buffalo Sabres

Athletic Excerpt about Hellebyuck and Sabres (credit to @arisoha on Twitter)

Athletic Excerpt about Hellebyuck and Sabres (credit to @arisoha on Twitter)

by UncleOrton


  1. xBialyOrzel

    Yeah I don’t think I’m comfortable paying $9M to a goalie and giving up Krebs/Mittelstadt.

  2. UncleOrton

    I spelled Hellebuyck’s name wrong to assert dominance it wasn’t a typo

  3. Burger-Feast

    No thx. Like the general idea but I’d be looking for an established goalie with 1-3 years term left

  4. Buff716917

    Yes, the Sabres getting a true number 1 goalie would be huge. Anyone who’d be upset losing Mitts, Krebs or UPL haven’t fully understood the shit show in net since Miller was traded (exceptions being Levi and Anderson). Also he would be a great mentor for Levi

  5. mcas0509

    Fuck no! Youth movement should continue don’t mortgage the future

  6. AndyF1130

    Is there really belief Levi isn’t ready to be a NHL goalie next season still?

  7. black2016rs

    Yea, no thanks.

    While the Sabres have initial cap space, they won’t for much longer. They can’t afford to take on 6+ now and a potential increase in a longer deal with Hellebuyck.

    While I can get behind the desire for a #1 workhorse goalie, the Sabres need to be fiscally responsible for long term success.

  8. tootnine

    After the past 2 years I have zero confidence in Adams to competently address goaltending this offseason. He’ll probably find a way to bring Carter Hutton back to replace Anderson.

  9. kaltsone

    I would never pay any goalie more than ~$6m.

  10. seeldoger47

    The real news from that article is that Gavrikov is expected to resign in LA.

    >Also: The expectation is they’re closing in on a contract extension with soon-to-be-unrestricted free agent Vladislav Gavrikov. Assuming Gavrikov signs, it means that at least two regulars on the blue line, Sean Walker and Sean Durzi, could be trade bait. The pair start the offseason at Nos. 29 and 30 on the trade board.

    He was at the top of my list of offseason targets but unfortunately it looks like that option is about to be taken off the table.

  11. Beechsack

    Let’s analyze this.

    1. ‘We’ve heard the Sabres have interest.’ This phrase is used by every NHL reporter, even the good, trustworthy ones, to signify that they didn’t get this info from anyone high enough to actually matter.
    2. Trading assets to acquire a player 1 year from UFA doesn’t seem like a move KA would make, based on his track record.
    3. Feels even less likely that he would trade and extend a guy before knowing how he fits with the team and the culture they’ve built, and if you don’t have the extension in play the trade is pretty pointless.
    4. Not sure a $9M goalie makes sense right now either. Sabres had a cap hit just shy of $68M last year with the final 26 man roster. Next year they are already at $64M with only 20 players under contract, with the Tage and Cozens extensions kicking in. Dahlin is going to get the bag extension next year, and Power is going to get good money too. The space they have is gonna burn up quick without a $9M-ish goalie in there.
    5. KA has been consistent about getting ‘guys who want to be here’. Not sure he would go after ‘guy who DOESN’T want to be where he is’.
    6. Krebsy and Mittelstadt are the classic ‘reporter who doesn’t really follow this team closely pulling names off the roster’.

    Russo and Duhatschek are NOT rumor mongering bloggers, but this still doesn’t seem like it’s anything more than filling column inches. This MIGHT be a move you make if it’s all in to win next year, but that doesn’t seem like KA’s plan at all.

  12. It’s time to make a move. That would be THE move. I would need to see details to say if I like it or not.

    But I like the player.

  13. If we can actually flip UPL & Krebs for him, then I am all for it. Mitts slightly less excited to get rid of because he’s been finally showing real development. Granted, that makes his stock at an all-time high, but I think he is finally getting to where he should have been a while ago. I don’t really see UPL long term with the team, just because it looks like Levi is the future and I’m not sure if UPL is really starter material.

    But getting a true starter for a year or two while Levi truly gets his feet wet, that is perfect. Levi did show that he can hang, but he’s also really young and it was a VERY small sample size in a weird condition. Who knows what he’ll play like 20 games into the season?

  14. A_Lone_Macaron

    Goalies are the running backs of the NHL. You don’t spend assets or cap space to get one when you can plug in Joe Rando and a good defense in front of him and get 90% of the production.

  15. Son_Of_The_Empire

    Yeah sure. We could have our goalie tabdem until 2030+ with our star rookie and developing physical freak, OR we could give up a ton of assets for a 1 year rental on a team that is nowhere near experienced enough to make a deep run.

    Tough choice, really


    Before Buffalo gets ANOTHER goalie, Sabres should sign (or someone similar to) Radko Gudas. If I’m KA, I need to see grit on the blueline before I can throw money at a wildcard position. Coming from the same WPG program as Hellboy, Comrie had a pretty rough season in the Sabres system… and in no way do I think Comrie’s an awful goalie per se… I just don’t think the answer is soley fixing who’s in the crease.


  17. _FiscalJackhammer_

    I don’t see Sabres giving up Krebs or mitts. UPL yes. Get him out if they’re going after Helly. I’d be willing to part with draft picks mostly. Wouldn’t offer Savoie or Kulich. And I’d try to minimize the cap on a year or two extension as much as possible.

  18. CartographerLocal321

    I’m really torn here. Before they signed Levi (and he got us literally one win from the playoffs) I was team ” let’s get a great veteran on a one year contract to support UPL and Levi’s growth. Now I think you are 100% already looking at the Sabres tandem. Odd man out of the three goalies in the system goes to the Amerks. Adams made a point to talk UPL through the Comrie signing last summer because he committed to not blocking his path. They aren’t doing it again. It’s either both guys produce Comrie or he gets the mentor job. I’d be shocked if it went any other way.

    I’m torn because I’m not sure that’s the best for their development, but I do think they are already committed to that move.

  19. Torrronto

    *IF* this were to happen, it would undoubtedly make the Sabres better immediately. Though there would have to be a conversation with CH to see if he will sign an extension. Possibly even a sign & trade.

    The only reason the Sabres are “big” on every FA (or pending FA) is because they have cap space. The hockey writers are churning out stories and the Sabres are always a possibility for a player seeking a big raise. I don’t believe that GMKA would move multiple assets at this point. GMTM would probably trade for Lehner again.

    Keep the youth, and improve the D (1 Gudas, please).

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