@National Hockey League

I guess I know what I’m talking about

I guess I know what I’m talking about

by kyletoews


  1. Beevas69

    Jay Woodcroft would like an explanation from the refs about this.

  2. GOP-are-Terrorists

    If people from Edmonton could read they’d be very mad at you right now

  3. wilfordbrimley778

    Love the last guy, “durrr numbers are for nerds”


    Are you so petty that you had to create a post just to prove to people who don’t care that you were right? That’s sad, man. Let it go.

  5. sportsjunkie75

    Pretty sure that was common knowledge lol

  6. Allatura19

    Being loud right online is still a thrill.

  7. Constant-Range-1440

    Skinners numbers were bad but having Campbell whose one goal away from a meltdown is brutal. Another brutal number is Nurse at 9.25 million that’s hilarious and horrible management signing!

  8. IronNobody4332

    Honestly have no problem with how Skinner played in the series. Overall very good for a goaltender with his level of experience.

    What killed us was what kills us every year, stupid penalties and undisciplined play.

  9. 4four4MN

    You canโ€™t blame losing a 7 game series on one player. In the playoffs special teams are the difference. If there is a clean series then the team with a better power play is at a disadvantage.

  10. frankrocksjesus

    It’s official that you know what you’re talking about when you get so many down votes. Take it as a compliment!

  11. JustJohan49

    Gotta call out u/tomato___tomato Where you at?

  12. PWNtimeJamboree

    *insert Ace Ventura “Man Im Tired Of Being Right” gif here*

  13. mrfunderhill

    Skinner just opened the door Beniers to take the Calder so Iโ€™m ok with this. ๐Ÿฅธ

  14. PoorPauly

    I was downvoted in to oblivion for saying Leafs fans probably shouldnโ€™t talk too much shit on Boston for losing a 3-1 series lead to Florida.

    I was just a hater and Toronto was finally breaking through and Florida was the 17th place team and Boston shit the bed and Florida was trash and on and on.

    Hubris is a motherfucker.

  15. StarsCHISoxSuperBowl

    I’ve seen way more meatball takes from Canadian fans than Americans at this point

  16. Mox_Peridot

    We are going to u/tomato__tomato for his thoughts!

  17. Typical disgusting cocky oilers fans. Iโ€™ve talked to hundreds of fans across the nhl and they all say the same thing about oilers fans. Classless, vulgar, awful, distasteful, arrogant and ignorant.

  18. SuperKiwiLand

    Pessimistic? Nah man, realistic as could be

  19. Iliketomeow85

    Expect about the Oilers going to the finals but you do you

  20. Dr_Will_Kirby

    Good call op.

    Not shocked its likely delusional oil country giving ya downvotes

  21. emeraldraf

    Even when he got nominated for the Calder I was suspicious. Like head he had really good games and it’s not all on him but I’m pretty sure he had 20 games this year with a sub .900 sv% and that just blew my mind.

  22. FloweringSkull67

    Donโ€™t separate your shoulder patting yourself on the back

  23. Imagine being that petty and hurt by downvotes that you had to make a post to prove you were right.

  24. Soizit_Blindy

    Oilers have the same issues the Sharks had all the years. They have two absolute star players, a few good supporting members, a decent defense but goaltending is the big question.

    McDrai can only do so much and you can argue that they are better than Marleau/Thornton but still the same issues remain.

    Oilers have to do some serious work if they want to win a Cup.

  25. rambored89

    In Stuart’s defense, Vegas is one of the best well rounded teams in the league. Definitely the best well rounded team in the West.

  26. azducky

    Heh, and that last guy living in Nevada now. Bummer. lol

  27. daddydagon

    This is so petty. I absolutely love it! Good job, this.

  28. h0ckeyphreak

    All that talent and a horrible D corps and a goalie that couldnโ€™t stop a beach ball most of the timeโ€ฆ

  29. 4skinmikehunt

    A team that relys on the PP & McDavid/Leon outside of that holland doesnโ€™t have a great team

  30. hockeyguy26er

    In their defence, Iโ€™m pretty sure 75% of ppl who post in here are under the age of 18.

  31. Aprikoosi_flex

    I asked my best friend โ€œwhy are they starting skinner again??โ€ Yeahโ€ฆ we knew.

  32. juusovl

    Why spread hate about Skinner, he did mega job in a situation he shouldnt have been!

  33. GrandpaMofo

    Wouldn’t it be interesting if two teams that are barely ten years old
    end up playing each other for the right to represent the West in the

  34. Girthquake965

    Edmonton made the genius move of trying to win a cup with Mike Smith, signed Jack fucking Campbell to replace him, and ended up running out Skinner in the end. No disrespect to Skinner but he isnโ€™t the elite goaltender the Oilers need to compensate for their lack of defense.

    Same shit, different year. McDrai only drag them so far with offense.

  35. PopularArgument

    First time being right about something? Lol

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