@Colorado Avalanche

Nathan MacKinnon Leaves Game After Dangerous Hit To The Head By Sharks’ Joachim Blichfeld

Nathan MacKinnon would be slow to get up after this dangerous hit to the head from Joachim Blichfeld.


  1. I don't believe there was intent to injure or intent to hit Mackinnon's head. Mackinnon was in a weird position; somewhat vulnerable and somewhat ready for contact. This should be nothing more than a match penalty with a light fine at most. Mackinnon is good for the sport, I hope he is ok.

  2. Wait in the US they call match penalties for those, please send us some refs in Canada there's been one of those every other game, no penalty, no suspension. And in some cases, it's been clearly just the head that was hit

  3. I’m a Sharks fan, but never like seeing that type of hit. MacKinnon is such a great player – really hope he’s OK.

  4. that was close. if i had time to review i wouldnt conclude on a 2 game susp

  5. How much more proof do you need to come to terms that the entire Sharks organization and fan base is complete trash.

  6. Why did the league suspend him 2 games? Myers hit on Armia was way worse and Myers got 0 games… Is this league a joke??? How can they be this blind and inconsistent in how they enforce the rules. Myers should have been suspended also…

  7. I watched this a few times. You can see Makinnon’s left shoulder make impact first. Penalty….debatable. Suspension… hell no. Take notes boys and girls, keep your head up 💪🏻

  8. 2 game suspension? Horrible awful job NHL. But Ovi can deliberately hit a player in the family jewels and only gets fined $5k?

  9. I'm a big MacKinnon fan but the suspension to Blichfeld is pretty much in line with how the NHL player safety works. Have to protect the star players who help sell the game. Any other player gets hit the same way the match penalty is the end of it with no suspension. Lots of hits on You Tube from this year where players didn't see a hit coming, head was the first point of contact, player safety may have reviewed it and no suspensions. This has been happening for years. Would be great if a department that calls itself player safety cared about the safety of all players (these are the best 750 or so best players on the planet).

  10. This reminds the hit Tkachuk did on Kassian, they did even bother to call anything at all and those hits looked worse than this one. This is why players are so confused, NHL officials just are not consistent at all

  11. Waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit a minute , this hit got a 2 games suspension but the hit on Kotkaniemi earlier this seadon got nothing ? What a discrimination to ''ordinary'' player ! #FIREPARROS

  12. Two game suspension? The punk has only played in four NHL games. What is to stop him from doing it again? How about taking a draft pick from teams who have players who go head-hunting? Every time a player targets another player the teams loses a pick. That will end that manure real quick as cheap shot players would never make it to the NHL. The GM and coach are to blame. They put him on the ice.

  13. I feel like if players let there ego down and started wearing cages it would stop clean intentions hits from giving a knock out blow to bare chin.

  14. You know that bs blichfeld is suspended when mckinnon gets injured but when tyler myers jumpes to headshot joel armia he didnt get nothing. The NHL says "we have to protect our players" but they really mean to protect their stars the others can fck themselves

  15. Damn the announcers! MacKinnon did not have his head down! Blichfeld hit to the head. Match Penalty. The penalty was the correct call. The hit should not even have happened. The purpose of hitting is to separate a player from the puck and take possession. Blichfeld was leaving the ice. Good that MacKinnon is okay!

  16. I've never seen a year with such discriminating penalties being called. I mean he hit his arm/shoulder first and then grazed his chin. The head was not targeted it was accidently clipped. But……… a nobody hitting a star, MATCH penalty. Ovechkin pitch forks a Boston player in the nuts, intentionally. ROUGHING was called………WHAT? Star player sticks a nobody…….roughing penalty.

  17. I always try to look at these and figure out what the guy who read the player suspension things would say. Mackinnon had the puck (eligible to be checked). Looked like Blichfield aimed for the shoulder, and Mackinnon thrust his body up and back, causing the shoulder to clip his chin instead of going through his shoulder. Unfortunate, but I think unintentional.

    MacKinnon just can't catch a break this year, huh?

  18. If Blichfeld doesn't make a hit on MacKinnon (while on Blichfeld's way to the bench), he gets in trouble by the coach. No way for Blichfeld to win in that kind of situation.

  19. maybe just see the 29 and stay away…. onlyr eason i say this is bc im afraid for pkanes life every day…

  20. Always fun when a no name beer league loser takes out a star. Maybe one day the NHL will protect its star players

  21. Don't think he intended to head hunt him, unfortunately hit right in the head. Hope MacKinnon is okay after a long rest.

  22. In Montreal, something a lot more dangerous than this happens every other day. Nothing has been fined/suspended this year so far. Having a star-player status looks fun. We sure it's the same league?

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