@Arizona Coyotes

Will this ACTUALLY be the end of the Coyotes?

Garry Bettman has gone to the ends of the earth to make the NHL work in Arizona and it looks now, like it may all have been for nothing. After the City of Tempe voted NO on all 3 proposals, we could not only be seeing the End of the Arizona Coyotes, it could be as early as NEXT SEASON.

Yesterday was, as Frank Seravalli said, the biggest day in Coyotes history. After all those years of uncertainty, the Coyotes finally looked to have the stability they needed. After 3 different homes, 7 ownership changes and more bankruptcies than playoff series wins, the team was set to move to Tempe with the proposal of a brand new arena to be built and the promise from Bettman of never leaving the state. The 2.1 billion dollar project was extremely favourable to the taxpayers as only 240 million was to be paid for by tax payer money. The biggest hurdle that stood in their way was a vote left to the public and that vote ultimately came back as a no. the people of Arizona delivered a dagger that looks like they may have essentially voted the NHL out of the state. A devastating blow to Coyotes fans. I cover that and the possibly of the team moving to Houston as early as next year in todays NHL video!

#hockey #nhl #arizonacoyotes


  1. Would rather see them become the Nordiques, swap divisions with Detroit(who doesn't belong in the east anyway, bring back the Norris).

  2. Name me any pro sports franchise that has relocated in recent yrs, whether it's the Oakland Raiders, Seattle Supersonics, Montréal Expos, or even the Atlanta Thrashers, none of them has failed as badly as the AZ Coyotes. If any sports franchises had as many chances as the Coyotes, there would be no such thing as relocation.

  3. I’m from Winnipeg. Waiting a long time for this inevitable outcome. Go Houston Aeros. (Yes I’d prefer the Nordiques return but I don’t see it from this)

  4. I was just there on spring break. It’s not a hockey town. They care more about men in dresses than hockey skates

  5. I’m a diehard hockey fan that was born and raised in Texas. I’m torn on the Coyotes future. On one hand I would love to keep growing the sport of hockey in non traditional markets (like Texas). On the other hand I would love too see them move to Texas for selfish reasons. In the end I hope they can find a way to stay in Arizona and be successful.

  6. I think the consensus now is they’re finding another place in AZ. They plan on playing in Tempe next season per the owners newest statement

  7. Who cares! Go to where Capitalist pay for their own entertainment. Conservunist taxpayer corporate welfare moochers'. Bye-Bye! Don't let the door…. Tempe voters we salute you!

  8. Just move to QBC. They have guaranteed fanbase/attendance, and a barely used arena specifically built to attract NHL.

  9. I agree with they should move to Houston, I just think they should change their mascot to the Roadrunners.

  10. As a Georgia native and a huge Thrashers fan growing up, I can completely understand the pain and what that feels like for all the hockey fans that love and support the Coyotes along with the Coyotes management. I am very shocked the vote didn't go through and really hate that for Coyotes Fans and for the Franchise owners as a whole! I really did think that the vote would pass, and they would play in Tempe, the proposal they had for Tempe is a sweet setup!

    I will say this, but if Arizona does end up relocating, I would love if Arizona does relocate to Atlanta BUT realistically, I can see them relocating to another city out west like Houston as the top choice or another city like Salt Lake City, Portland, Kansas City to keep the divisions and conferences even!

    BUT if Arizona decides sells the team and is open to offers, I think that multiple cities will places bids/offers for the team and they will take the highest bid/offer and if Atlanta has the highest offer compared to the other cities that places bids/offers, then Arizona should sell the team to Atlanta! Or whoever wants to buy the team with the highest offer will get the team even if that means Houston, Portland, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, you name it

    If they go that route, I think that will really determine what city really does wants an NHL team!

    Reasons how the NHL coming back to Atlanta can work

    1) they have expressed strong interest in wanting another team via expansion/NEED to have GREAT Management! (It appears they have it now)

    2) they have proposed a new entertainment center that includes an NHL arena in the suburbs of Atlanta (something the Flames and Thrashers never did and this is a very wise move to do; the Atlanta Braves moved to the suburbs of Atlanta recently and have succeeded very well there so if there is success with another professional sports in Atlanta with this approach, the same can happen if Atlanta gets another NHL team!)

    3) they already have 2 hockey size arenas in place (State Farm Arena where the Hawks play at and Gas South Arena where the ECHL Atlanta Gladiators play at) to potentially play in temporarily while their new arena gets built! and, even though it doesn't mean anything, is that the Atlanta Gladiators current NHL Affiliate is the Arizona Coyotes…

    (I think playing in the Gas South Arena temporarily is more reasonable knowing the Thrashers history with sharing the Phillips/State Farm Arena with the Hawks and how Anson Carter, a former NHL player and now NHL Analyst, is a co-owner of the Atlanta Gladiators Franchise so I think he will definitely accommodate a potential NHL team to play in the same building as the Gladiators until the new Arena gets build in Cumming/Alpharetta area which is within roughly a 30 minute proximity of Gas South Arena)

  11. I'm glad the people refused to pay for a stadium that 1. the people won't even own, and 2. few can afford to enter.

  12. The Coyotes will become the Houston Apollos which will develop a fierce rivalry with the in-state Dallas Stars.

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