@Toronto Maple Leafs

Top Ten NHL Hockey Fights of Colton Orr

Top Ten NHL Hockey Fights of Colton Orr

10/22/2005 | Andre Roy (Pittsburgh)
11/10/2005 | Brian McGrattan (Ottawa)
2/2/2006 | Eric Godard (New York Islanders)
11/15/2007 | Riley Cote (Philadelphia)
2/2/2008 | Jesse Boulerice (Philadelphia)
12/3/2008 | Eric Godard (Pittsburgh)
12/29/2008 | Mitch Fritz (New York Islanders)
11/14/2009 Brian McGrattan (Calgary)
2/6/2010 | Matt Carkner (Ottawa)
1/23/2013 | Deryk Engelland (Pittsburgh)


  1. Orr is a great pick Beak, i would've like to have seen how well fared against Tony Twist in his prime…speaking of Twist, he would be another one to make a top 10 fight video in my opinion. Thanks for posting beak. Peace

  2. I miss watching the fights from the 70's through the mid 90's. These guys just flail around. Stumble. Swing at fences. Trip over their own feet.

  3. The Fritz fight was a little weak, think another one of the battles with Carkner would have been better

    More than anyone else in recent memory, when Colton had a fight, it wasn't two guys hugging until the linesmen broke it up, it was two guys standing back and slugging until someone went down. He didn't win them all, but he probably had one of the highest ratios of entertaining fights to duds in this century

  4. Agree with most here, missing some great ones. He knocked out Carkner a couple more times and poor Fedoruk, who deserved his beating for running the. Rangers the previous game. Orr, always great to watch.

  5. I was a bouncer in Boston and Colton would come in all the time. We became friends and had some wild times. He's a SUPER nice guy that will do anything for a friend. But don't fuck with him 🤣 I held him back from so many situations that would have got him in serious trouble

  6. Can we talk about the fact that Canada, a country known for its politeness and curiosity has one of if not the only sport where, fighting (which isn't even the point of the sport) is legimetally allowed and actually serves purpose if planned (stopping momentum).

  7. "Colton Orr just wants to hanging on there.. he has been cut.." homer Ottawa announcer speaks total B.S. during that fight against McGrattan on 11/10/2005 🥱

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