@Toronto Maple Leafs

Leafs Nation Limbo | Real Kyper & Bourne – May 16

Nick Kypreos and Justin Bourne discuss the latest news and notes surrounding the Toronto Maple Leafs. Streaming weekdays from 3pm-5pm ET.

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  1. Sammy is 100% right. Any big time team is there to produce results. There is NO team from the mecca of their sport with the horrendous record of the Leafs, which is in the mecca of hockey. Not Chelsea..not the Yankees. This loser record and no consequence management is NOT ACCEPTABLE

  2. Dubas is playing mind games with Toronto. Pretending like he may not be interested in staying with the Leafs, Move on.

  3. You guys are horrible. As the only one with a family Nick you should know better. Maybe you hit the ice too hard in that game against the ranger and it knocked your sympathy right out. Screw they guys family we want to know now,now , now. Tell us , you owe us that. Horrible. No wonder every player in every sport hates the media. Correction, everyone hates the media.

  4. Thursday you could cover the "Cornhole Gate", ESPN thinks cornholing is more important than Stanley Cup PLOFs.

  5. It's my fault. Why we got offered Chych for 2 1sts and Nies and he went to Ottawa for a bag of pucks. Vanity. My fault.

  6. If you or your family are overwhelmed you certainly should step down from that position.
    I thought that was an inappropriate comment to be honest …not to feel that but say it in this context…plus it looks bad for future general
    Managers who might want to
    Come. Talk to your therapist about that stuff..

    By the way there are people
    Who wouldn’t find this as stressful, or a more beneficial stress , find them. There are tons of big sports organizations out there, leafs aren’t the only one .
    I think based on that comment I do not feel comfortable with him going forward. Especially if this is a sympathy ploy for
    Money – that would
    Be disgusting .

  7. I'm actually pissed, Dubas needs to be working on trading Matthews at the draft not talking to his family about the pressure of working for the Leafs.. if Dubas walks on us, Matthews is walking on us next summer.

  8. As a Leaf fan and ticket holder I could care less about his personal issues. He is paid well beyond his rate of failure when it counts!! Sorry…not sorry. Life can be tough…heart goes out…but you’re still a losing GM with the greatest hockey franchise around. Try winning in the playoffs and you wont be so stressed!

  9. The GM had players like Kadri Marchment Brown and they were traded away to keep the 4 around….his move….nobody else’s. Accountability pls!!

  10. The odds makers are illiterate. The Canes are not winning the cup. Dallas or Vegas will be. Mark my words. The Canes just lack the physicality necessary.

  11. "That's me" and that's not me" are the same thing.
    We're all only version of ourselves in certain moments.

  12. It was a real hard year on his family. They live in luxury and I'm sure vacation in the south. This guy is as soft as a marshmallow. We need men who bleed and ignore it because they have a job to do.

  13. Imagine if Pete DeBoer was coaching the Leafs and management was serious about winning….like the Panthers management (instead of this amateur hour "run it again" comfort zone nepotism of the Leafs management).

  14. Dubas is acting like a child. Throwing tantrums and acting with such emotion and uncertainty

  15. I'm completely behind letting go of Keefe or even one of the core. But people who want Dubas gone are either stupid or very young. He's built the best Leafs team most of us have ever seen. At least the best in the past 20+ years. There are literally organizations waiting outside the office waiting to sign him as we let him go. But people are just angry so they're not thinking properly.

  16. No to Sheldon Keefe. Nylander is a playoff performer keep him. Marner is too light and easily neutralized in the playoffs. Trade Marner for a pwer forward like Josh Anderson. Anderson wont put up the numbers in the regular season but will come through in the playoffs.

  17. My prediction: The only change this summer might be Shanahan taking over as GM if Dubas steps aside. Then theyll give Auston and Mitch whatever they want; Nylander will be an own rental for the playoffs who then walks for nothing next July; and Tavares ultimately takes a discount to stay after his current deal expires. Is that a winning plan? I doubt it but I think that's the plan nonetheless.

  18. Why is anybody stressed about Dubas leaving the Leafs ?
    Isn’t that what we want ?!
    Shouldn’t he be told to go ?
    This is so classic Leafs land stupid.

  19. He went through a lame duck year thats what he means about it being hard on family. Sounds like he got a 1 year offer again probably to finish when shannanans deal ends

  20. I am just always amazed that no one talks about the money part. TML are a hugely successful profitable organization.
    Leafs Nation are the most adoring, faithful fans !
    They don’t need to do anything and they will still make more profit than any other NHL team in the league !
    If they thought they might lose some fans, some money, then they’d make a change.
    Like they did 6/7 years ago.
    Fans throwing expensive jerseys on the ice got them a little concerned that they could maybe lose Leafs Nations $$$$
    if they didn’t throw us a bone and rebuild.
    Talk about that.

  21. The key word in the phrase "professional sports" is "professional". It's about making more for ownership. Leafs are a cash cow under Dubas and Shanahan. Lots of merchandise selling and a solid core for marketing. They're an entertaining team during the season. In fact. you might say they're built for the regular season. So does management want to blow that up? I don't think so. But I do think that Dubas is experiencing a great deal of mental strain and needs a break.

  22. Realistically, a general manager can't say publically that he may need to step away from his job and take a break! That is just not a smart thing to say!

  23. Sad to say but the Leafs just have too many players who are "comfortable" just making the big regular season money and then relaxing in their big summer homes for 4 months!

  24. Solved nothing but fun to watch. Kind of like the Leafs during the regular season. No idea what's up with Dubas but my guess is that's his idea of negotiating for more money. Isn't that what Matthews, Marner and Nylander did to him?

  25. Keefe was outcoached, Simmon's should have come in game 2, JT or anyone on the Leafs should have fought back after the Knies concussion and Morgan Reilly says "I love the guys on the team"

  26. Dubas makes no sense – him and his family were totally stressed out working as G/M for Leafs, but this is the only job I want to come back to?? Am I missing somehting here??

  27. Sammy! Ask Kyper , Justin & you of course! Trade Marner to Anaheim for their 2nd overall pick plus Troy Terry and more if you can get it? With that pick take ADAM FANTILLI, he is fast he hits to has a very high hockey IQ & Hobby Bakker winner plus he will be on an ELC for “3” years !! I think that Verstegg will take Marner because the need offence and he himself was a smaller guy so he will feel they can make that work?!? Plus Fantilli is going to be a better player over all than Bedard anyways because that small isn’t going to survive the beating the NHL will give him!!

  28. The day of The "TOP PLAYER" "goal Scorer" etc etc etc is gone. Its coming round to TEAM PLAY as it should.

  29. Been following the leafs since the montreal series… As a viewer getting bored of this core, seems like they only wanna play hard when they are underdogs, as soon as they are the favorites they choke…

  30. Half the "analysts" in this league are so bad at their job its laughable. Stelick saying that Toronto played their worst 3 games in game 1-3 and then played their best in games 4-5 but it was too late is a perfect example. The guy didn't even watch the series. Game 3 they outplayed them for 99% of the game, everyone said they lost because of 1 minute 6 seconds. Game 4 they were putrid. Game 5 they were ok. I'm so tired of these guys coming out these shows with 0 preparation, just saying what's on their mind in that moment. Kyper and Bourne should call them out for that politely because I'm tired of hosts having to treat these guests like royalty for fear they wont come back on. He made the choice to come on and he's talking like an idiot, call him out for it or you look like idiots too.

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