@Montreal Canadiens

This is Terrifying

OK Guys, there has been alot of rumors lately about former Montréal Canadiens general manager Marc Bergevin, and the possibility of him being hired by the Toronto Maple Leafs. I have a weird feeling like Bergevin is exactly the kind of GM that the Leafs need, and I’ll talk about it in this video!

The articles that were in the video were screenshots from, I highly reccommend you to check out this site for further Habs News,

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  1. Dubas did a phenomenal job at deadline… but the contracts screwed him over in the end.

  2. As a leafs fan, i was laughing at some of the stupid moves he made, but to have him come here?? It kind of eases my mind that you thought that he might actually have some success. But still, he's ex-hab, so i don't think he'll be received too well lol

  3. MB is a return to the disaster years of Harrold Ballard. His style was always 'crisis management' he would create the crisis and the team would somehow manage

  4. I’m not sold on it … but , on the other side of this, Bergeron has been in just as intense of hockey fandom and super hyped hockey press as the Leafs.
    Plus one.
    But … we need a GM that is totally wired in.. and I don’t see Bergeron landing on his feet and pulling next season out of the swamp.
    I also don’t see Treleving being able to do it either.
    Too much do do hitting the fan between now and July 1..

  5. As long as he is actually allowed to make the decisions.If you can believe the latest report out of the Maple Leaf press,the core 4 have already been told they will most likely not be traded.Who is making the personal decisions without a Gm in place and why are decisions being made before the Gm is even hired?Makes me think the Gm is going to nothing more then a yes man for whoever is calling the shots(Shanahan).

  6. Would love to see MB as the Leafs GM. He would handicap that team long term with overpaid grinders and defensive dinosaur coaches.

  7. Marc and Brendan in the same room, trying to prove who has the biggest balls and duking it out. Can't see Brendan hiring somebody who won't kowtow to him.

  8. Everyone forgets Habs fans howling for Bergevin's head when they were down 3-1 to Toronto in round 1 of the 2nd Covid Cup (no fans). Then Price morphed into 'vintage Price' & went on an awesome heater, lifting a decent, not great team, to a Cup final. Habs fans were suddenly giddy & no longer bashing Bergevin. Sadly, the wheels came off. Vasilevskiy was as good as Price, if not better & the Lightning were definitely the better team. Weber was pretty much done by then & they were just not good enough to compete with Tampa. The proof, is without Price, Weber & Danault, the Habs went from Cup finalist to dead last in the entire NHL, a stunning fall to be clear. Weirdly, I always liked Bergevin & he's made no worse mistakes than any other NHL GM frankly & maybe his experience, without the rabid Francophone press snapping at his heels, he might might find a good spot in TO. It's often a league of re-treads.

  9. junkie…. want to make it even more SCARY…. Bergevin as GM…. Patrick Roy as Coach…. and they hoist the CUP…. Nightmare on St Catharines Street!!!!!

  10. watch out for the contract signatures Bergevin can get. His legacy in that matter in Montreal is a real nightmare. Best of luck with your salary cap….

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