@Dallas Stars

Lucic vs Gleason Feb 19, 2008

Milan Lucic vs Tim Gleason from the Boston Bruins at Carolina Hurricanes game on Feb 19, 2008.


  1. yes…Bosoxnation is a douche, and obviously suffering from Dementia, and youre right, no likes her.

  2. Nah dude. That was back when Lucic was a rookie. Now, he can fight like a fucking beast. He just had to learn how, and that asskicking showed him.

  3. @jimisvoodoochild

    i dont think fighting gets any harder by the time you get to the nhl… the fact he was a rookie is irrelevant

  4. No, it doesn't get any harder, but did Lucic have an extensive history of fighting outside and prior to his NHL career, and just get his ass kicked, or did he not know how to fight entering the NHL, and get his ass kicked thus?

  5. @CelticJared actually u can clearly see that after gleason hits savard, he's watching the puck and didn't even see Lucic (who obviously was responding to the savard hit) until just before contact. Lucic was eyeing gleason the whole time and purposely stepped in front of him. It's pretty cut and dry superfan.

  6. @CelticJared Watch where the puck goes after gleason lays out savard. Notice The direction where Gleasons head and eyes are focused on? Exactly. Like i said, he didn't see lucic until just before impact. Your saying that "you see him attempt to hit lucic" (why would he he a non-puck carrier anyway) which is completely false. Clearly Lucic went looking for gleason to stick up for his teammate (nothing wrong with that). It's pretty simple logic superfan.

  7. @buttkick22 not tryin to bust ya balls or anything but he broke his nose by falling directly into the dasher on the boards

  8. @MrBruinsfan2011 i know he did but he also got it broken from erskine. The commentator even says it in 1 of his fights after the erskine fight but im not taking the time to find it right now. That thing is huge he breaks it all the time… a lucic fan by the way.

  9. What the fuck is up with all the commentators. All ass-licking pro-bruins fans. Dirty pigs

  10. what did lucic do , he responds and gets his ass can anyone enjoy watching games with such bias commentators who can't call a game without such bulls@$t.

  11. gleason's lucky he spun lucic around to the ground, there is a reason why gleason did that, he can never stand toe to toe with lucic

  12. LUCI WOULD KICK HIS ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG 1 fight lost not a big deal.. he would be him 9 times out of 10 so stfu.

  13. Fuck off you dumb bruins fans, he lost taking two straight punches to the face by a guy 4' inches shorter than him!! He would loose again, take it the way it is he's not unbeatable you fools!!

  14. If you call pounding the smaller players in the league fighting. then yes he does. you will notice that he rarely fights guys of his category. when he does he loses most of them , but they always turn out to be good fights. so no he has a lot of " bully " or " big guy vs little guy " experience. i dont respect him as a fighter, when he starts fighting bigger guys it could be interesting.

  15. @alyboy11 a big reason for that is hes so big that most guys arent his size, but ive watched him throw komisarek around everytime theyve fought, ive watched him bloody up neil, ive seen him beat up eager, and hes fought some other pretty tough guys. yeah, he doesnt always win, but he has beaten some of the toughest guys in the NHL. but honestly, we want him for his power and scoring, not fighting so u wont see him fight goons. thats why we have thornton ๐Ÿ˜€

  16. Haha, chill down bro. My cousin was the one who commented on this video. And that was a year ago, lol.

  17. "and Gleason spins him down". Jack Edwards is so biased lol. Can't even call that solid punch by Gleason that felled Lucic.

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