@New York Rangers

Former Rangers star Henrik Lundqvist opens up about health, NHL playoffs, broadcasting

Former Rangers star Henrik Lundqvist opens up about health, NHL playoffs, broadcasting

by h20534


  1. Nyrfan303

    Henrik is the man!! Total class act! I admire him for taking everything in stride. It must’ve been very hard for him to leave the game, but he was positive through the whole process and pushed forward. What a guy!!

  2. WhiteWonderKyle

    Say what you want about Dolan, but good on him for meeting with Hank personally and doing whatever he could to give him a role in the organization.

  3. lionson76

    You know, I’ve always thought that if I was a professional athlete, I’d rather have my career end with my body breaking down than being perfectly healthy and just not good anymore. Especially if I played my whole career with one team. Hank’s body failed him in a much scarier way than usual, but as long as you don’t end up with a debilitating injury like a broken neck or something, it still might have been more painful to see a legend like him hang on for a couple more most likely meaningless years in an uncomfortable jersey. I mean, even [his face here](!/fileimage/httpImage/image.jpeg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/henrik-lundqvist.jpeg) kinda looks like he’s thinking “I might have made a huge mistake…”

    To put it another way, I’d rather have my body tell me that it’s time to retire instead of my team, coach, or family. Or worse, figure it out myself too late.

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