@Vegas Golden Knights

Hague hit on Hyman – Have your say!

Nicolas Hague went leg on leg with Zach Hyman. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. He clearly extends his leg after he misses the hit. Don’t know how this wasn’t called either a trip or kneeing. Still not as bad as the missed high stick on Yamamoto which directly led to the goal

  2. Thank you for posting, Mr. Call.
    Looks to me like Hague squares up to keep Hyman in front of him, and Hyman tries to jump over Hague’s leg. I’m not sure.

  3. This could have been called kneeing, but only because Hyman tried to manuever himself to get away from the check by Hague. Could have gone either way.

  4. No more hockey for me. I'm back to watching competitive tag.

  5. Clean. Hyman moved and the momentum from the collision made Hague react like that. People thinking this is dirty are the same clowns that want fighting out of hockey. Hockey has gotten so soft. It’s sad people are even talking about this hit as being dirty.

  6. Could have been interference, kneeing, or tripping or if it goes both ways could be written off as playoff hockey, league officiating is a game by game crap shoot.

  7. Ref 15 feet away with unobstructed view. he clearly stuck out his leg. NHL refs aren't qualified to coach peewee hockey

  8. Someone thinks this was illegal? They don't know anything about hockey. Contact was made around the shoulder/chest before the legs come togther.

  9. Hymen put the puck off the boards and was going around the Vegas player that was obviously beaten so he stuck his leg out to slow up Hymen, just another non call be the refs orchestrating the game.

  10. Unbelievable the number of people trying to say it was ok because Hyman is trying to go around. Wtf do you people think, that the person getting checked has an obligation to stop what he's doing, make sure he's in the best possible position to get checked? Lol talk about entitlement mentality. No, the guy is not entitled to deliver a check and, like in this case, if he misses he can't just do some illegal move to salvage what he can from his missed check. Unbelievable.

  11. other than kneeing him in the nuts – i dont see any penalty here. maybe, maybe interference?

  12. Could we hold off a little on these "Anybody who disagrees with me doesn't know anything about hockey" comments?

  13. First observation. Hague does NOT extend his right leg at all until it comes up as contact is made. His left leg is out since it's what he's using to stop. Hyman appeared to cut back inside and attempt to jump over Hague's leg. If anything, it appears it was the jump into Hague that caused the issue, not the hit. If he would have stayed on the ice the contact would have been body on body. And the Ref was right there and considering how many trips are called, the fact he didn't call it makes me think it wasn't considered a trip. The fact that Hague is 6'6" with long legs might make you think he stuck his leg out but you might want to look at the actual play. His right leg is at basically a 90 degree angle when Hague and Hyman collide, and they do collide with Hague getting Hyman on his right side. To all those that said Hague stuck his leg out, watch the video and be honest. Also, if he would NOT have attempted to cross Hague's face and jump there would probably just been a simple check against the boards.

  14. That was one of the most BRUTAL ASSAULTS I have seen since the 80s!!!

  15. How in the hell is that a tough call? Its absolutely clear cut. Should be suspended.

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