@Columbus Blue Jackets

[Sportsnet] The Blue Jackets intend to name Mike Babcock as their new head coach once his contract with the Maple Leafs expires at the end of this month, Sportsnet can confirm.

[Sportsnet] The Blue Jackets intend to name Mike Babcock as their new head coach once his contract with the Maple Leafs expires at the end of this month, Sportsnet can confirm.

by AT-25


  1. SomeKindOfMonster

    it makes sense that after Larsen, the pendulum would swing the other way and we’d hire a complete dick.

    I don’t agree with it, but it makes sense.

    It’s hard to be a fan of this team ~~sometimes~~ a lot of the time.

  2. Beartoes1

    I really don’t like this shit at all. This isn’t worth it.

    This is going to be a huge turning point. But not in a good way.

  3. JunesDepartmentStore

    Jarmos going to need to realllllllly sell us on why we should trust his decision to hire Babcock

    On paper it makes no sense, but obviously there has to be *something* he sees in Babcock that he’s hiring him for

    What matters is if that *something* is actually a valid reason, and doesn’t hinder the development of our young players

  4. Dreger obviously speculated earlier, but many reliable new sources are taking this as fact now… motherFUCK.

  5. NontransferableApe

    I don’t like the hire, but the players had a ton of input in this decision. More than when we hired Larsen. All we can hope for is he actually did some soul searching, changed as a person and coach and isn’t a raging asshole anymore. I’ll hope for the best but I’m not thrilled

  6. RedditShhhmeddit

    If jarmo hires this ahole then that’s the final straw for him in my eyes and I might just be out as a fan. I don’t like abusers in any facet.

  7. Aperture-Employee

    Absolute fucking idiocy. Horrible hire if only for the optics alone.

  8. ddottay

    I’m not mad. I’m actually laughing.

    Prove me wrong Babcock. Lead us to glory. (Jarmo’s job depends on it)

  9. steveslikewhoa

    I was livid when Torts was hired and it ended up being a great hire. Hopefully this works out.

  10. Professional-Roll513

    BRB. Googling tall bridges in central Ohio.

  11. eff_carter

    Maybe Babcock has done some soul searching in his time away from the NHL. I doubt it, but I’d like to stay optimistic that he’s not gonna abuse our very young roster.

  12. RedditShhhmeddit

    Chris Chelios:

    “Some of the things he (Babcock) said to him (Franzen) on the bench, I don’t know what he said to him behind closed doors one-on-one, but he blatantly verbally assaulted him during the game on the bench,” Chelios said. “It got to the point where poor Johan, no one really knowing he was suffering with the concussion thing and the depression thing, he just broke down and had nervous breakdown, not only on the bench but after the game in one of the rooms in Nashville.

    “It was probably one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.”

    In an interview with Expressen, Franzen described Babcock as a great coach, “but he’s a terrible person, the worst I ever met. He’s a bully who was attacking people. It could be a cleaner at the arena in Detroit or anybody. He would lay into people without any reason.”

  13. lelander193

    Gonna be honest, I was considering buying a season ticket package, but I can’t support a team that’s interested in hiring a coach known for mentally and verbally abusing their players. Look at the Marner situation and the many others. Why would they bring in this asshole for one of the youngest teams in the league?

  14. Spooky_Meat_666

    If the players had some input, and this is the decision that’s being made based on said input… I’ll hold off on being mad.

  15. Winter-Bridge-5225

    I was kind of hoping we would go with Roy. He can be a bit of a hothead, but he falls short of verbally assaulting players into a mental breakdown.

  16. warlink05

    Can someone help me find the post when the club first hired Torts? I remember reading some of the comments in there felt eerily similar to this…

  17. EverlastingEvening

    Yeah.. This is the type of reason I stopped being a Ducks fan back the 2008s. I don’t like this one bit.

  18. Master_Republic_144

    Been waiting for an hour in hope that Jarmo or someone would make a statement that the search isn’t over yet and reports were false…

    Someone wake me up when the nightmare is over

  19. Tweez614

    The guy is a proven winner who can coach. Hopefully, his time away has allowed him to grow and reflect. I’m sure the FO has done their homework, it’s not a secret the guy has a track record. Feels a bit like Jarmo is is going all in trying to save his job with this one.

    I coached (not hockey) for several years. Some kids took coaching as punishment, whine to their parents that you’re “too hard on them”. Sometimes you can get more out of a player by giving them tough love. That’s not to excuse anything that’s been reported, but some people just take coaching differently.

    And if it doesn’t work out, then we can all point fingers and criticize. I want this hockey team, more than anything, to be a winner. I think the “past is in the past” mentality is how I’m moving forward, but you cant let history repeat itself.

  20. i_amaterribleperson

    I love this team but they are not serious people.

  21. DaveSoccer

    To all the people calling Babcock a proven winner- he only won because he had the best defenseman in history in Detroit and hell Doug Maclean would be able to win gold with Hockey Canada

  22. Ok_Dragonfly4244

    As a new-ish fan, I have some concerns. But I truly hope the players had some say in this. Either way, I’m going to support them.

  23. dman2056

    They better have a fucking “get out of the contract for free clause” for this asshole. Last thing we need is for this jackass to mentally abuse any of our young players and then cheap as shit ownership says “nah can’t fire because we can’t afford it”

  24. tread_lightly94

    There’s a part of me that wonders if this is a test drop

  25. Zarg0n7

    BOOOOOOOOO I live in Metro Detroit and anyone who ever interacted with Babcock around here has nothing but horrible things to say about him. What a fucking awful decision for developing talent.

  26. JickleBadickle

    I’m so fucking done with this team if they hire babcock jfc


    I would LOVE to be wrong about this hire… but this is extremely, extremely disappointing. I’m at a loss for words on this. I have to imagine that if we do end up going with Babcock and it immediately backfires, Jarmo is done. That in and of itself scares me because I do NOT want someone like Chiarelli or Hextall or Fletcher or Benning as GM.

    If players seriously gave input and wanted Babcock, that’s also confusing, given Babcock was literally a bully to Johan Franzen and other players. I’m really struggling to see this as a positive when we have so many major young players coming up

  28. djsassan

    So, why did we get rid of Torts only to hire his reincarnation?

  29. titanup1993

    Jackets gonna jackets, this is laughable from management. Then again they hired Larsen so

  30. trothwell55

    This is not very chill Jarmo we need an explanation

  31. EndiMoon

    I think it’s time for Jarmo to find a new job

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