@Colorado Avalanche

Just met this man. Hate him if you want, but he was one of the nicest people I’ve met. Says he loved playing Denver and that there’s a lot more cups coming our way

Just met this man. Hate him if you want, but he was one of the nicest people I’ve met. Says he loved playing Denver and that there’s a lot more cups coming our way

by Johnnyojvan


  1. titan-of-hunger

    I’ve played guys like that. Great guys off the field, but on the field something happens that turns them into complete wankers. It’s like a switch.

  2. You miss heard him, he said water bottles.

  3. makalder

    If you told me he saved your cat from a tree, bought you a beer, donated $10k to the charity of your choice, told you the Avs we’re gonna win 3 of the next 5 Cups, signed a picture of Kadri for you, and gave you a backrub, I would still hate that motherfucker lolol

  4. mattevs119

    Looks like his tears finally dried up.

  5. Amaretto_Sour2992

    I feel like the players you hate on the ice are the nicest ones off the ice. I

  6. Gen_Jack_Ripper

    Dude has on a Fossil watch.

    JK. Dunno if it is, but he seems like a nice guy off the ice where he’s a prick.

  7. -Sweet-Dreams-

    Haha I was staring at you for a good 30 seconds trying to place your face. Binnington just looked like a skinny dork. Then I realized 🤣🤣

  8. DJ_Moose

    That’s the first fist he has made THAT close to a human face without a ref protecting him.

  9. OhmyGhaul

    For future reference, if anyone meets this giant shit bag of a human being ever again, please do us all a favor and ask why he *did not* condemn the racist comments and threats to Kadri and his family.

    Then tell me he’s a *nice guy*

  10. vbcbandr

    He may be a good guy off the ice, I hope he is.

    But on the ice, he can go fuck himself. When your own coach is publicly saying that you need to stop the nonsense, you know there is a problem.

  11. rocky_mtn_hi

    I met Sid the Kid in Cherry Creek and can confirm that he was a class act. This is the only player in the NHL who should meet hockey fans with a qualified therapist IMO.

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