@National Hockey League

Tkachuk sends Eichel to locker room

Tkachuk sends Eichel to locker room

by Only-Top-Corner


  1. fixurfac3

    Clean Eichel toe picked hate to see it

  2. bigdadE420

    Great hit. Not sure how Vegas didn’t end up on the penalty kill after though..

  3. AsstToTheBeerSales

    It was a clean a heavy hit. Hope Eichel isn’t injured and is only hurt. Injuries are way worse than just hurting. Don’t wish injuries on any of these players

  4. NDPathetikk

    Clean hit. Eichel saw it coming. No excuse.

  5. Magi0229

    I’ve watched the replay a dozen times. Can someone tell me what the injury was?

  6. habulous74

    Lol r/goldenknights is up in arms claiming it was dirty.

    Those people don’t know *anything* about this sport.

  7. DueNecessary1992

    Great play by Tkachuk, eichel panicked and toe picked into him. Made the impact way harder. That’s finals hockey right there…

  8. Stewy_stewart

    How come he got a 10 minute misconduct?

  9. Grand-Imagination925

    That’s hockey baby love it . Calgary should of never let him go .

  10. BruiserCruiser13

    Sucks he’s still technically recovering from a neck injury. That hit isn’t going to help that at all

  11. Podkolzins_a_Canuck

    I wish the best for Eichs, he looked like he was in a ton of pain, and you hate to see guys get hurt like that. But I do not understand how Tkachuk gets a game misconduct for that. It was a 100% clean hit.

  12. Mean__Jerk__Time

    I tried freeze framing it to understand why Eichel’s legs both were behind him just prior to hit…as others have said, seems like toe picked to try to avoid and just made himself more vulnerable…

    Clean hit, unfortunate result.

  13. snowhiteside

    These gloves on scrums are hilarious. This is the NHL, not peewee. Drop the damn mits and let them know not to hurt your stars boys!

    Clean hit btw. Just brutally heavy.

  14. vette322

    No one wants to see anyone hurt regardless of who you want to win – but if you know hockey, that was a clean hit.

  15. Gurthy_Lengthiness

    How did Eichel’s feet leave the ice mid-skate before he was even hit? It looks like he tripped forward. Odd.

  16. Jenetyk

    42 pulling his man off the pile and coming in with a big ole left.

  17. travisgomez24

    *comes back in with another assist* oh jack is back baby

  18. prostatewhispers1

    Homie got up and went straight to the locker room. I hope he’s okay

  19. MeepMorpZorpDerp

    Oof his helmet flew off just before it would’ve been useful.

  20. BubbaSpanks

    I’m amazed Eichel kept his head from hitting the ice, monster clean hit…that even hurt me

  21. DaveTwoOh

    Then comes back to the game and has a beautiful assist

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