@National Hockey League

Barbashev ends Gudas. Brett Howden ends Bobrovsky

Barbashev ends Gudas. Brett Howden ends Bobrovsky

by Only-Top-Corner


  1. No_Calligrapher7120

    It was all the refs and leagues doing. Refs put Gudas on the ground and the league put Howdens puck in the back of the net

  2. Mcane305

    Eichel ended himself just now and legs went limp when he saw tkachuk coming smh

  3. TrashedLinguistics

    I can only get so excited. This is too much for a Monday.

  4. Fret_Shredder

    Fuck man… as someone who separated their shoulder playing – Eichal hit just made me cringe. My shoulder was dangling down to my nipple shit was crazy

  5. NDPathetikk

    Eichel ends himself. Great post spot picker. 👍

  6. 1DirtyOldBastard

    I knew at some point that shit Gudas pulled was going to circle back around and bite him in the ass. They got humiliated tonight game2 7-2.

  7. 1DirtyOldBastard

    You know Joseph Woll’s busted a nut watching Gudas get laid flat out on his back.

  8. Wide-Substance-7331

    VGK currently 11 million over the cap.

  9. Ok_Bar7444

    Tkachuk and the panthers remind me of the old broad street bullies when they went up against faster more talented teams. Being assholes and getting penalties only helps if the other team doesn’t score. Flyers lost 8 cup finals from the late 70’s the the mid 80’s

  10. hamfijita

    Hell ya. I don’t even care who wins but this was better than whoever wins the cup

  11. baginahuge

    I’m kind of hoping the panthers can win it, but fuck that piece of shit gudas.

  12. TheGiftnTheCurse

    What goes around comes around, hopefully he’s out long-term, NHL doesn’t need dirt-bags guys like him. YOu get what you deserve.

  13. JSquidy

    Is that not a shoulder driving straight up through the head?

  14. BillMcCrearysStache

    Florida just getting completely dominated so far, maybe things will go better for them at home but…yikes

  15. ForsakenDrawer

    I see you “finishing your check,” Bennett, you little fuckin rat

  16. Cliffhanger87

    Leafs, Boston, and hurricane fans porn

  17. Several_Tangerine956

    Glad people are starting to see that Florida is a bunch of dirty players carried by Bobby, go knights!

  18. Mystyk__

    Clean hit, Gudas just couldn’t keep his head up. That’s on him

    I’ve seen worse go uncalled *Gudas on Knies*

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