@Florida Panthers

Staal hit on Marner – Have your say!

Marc Staal inexplicably took down Mitch Marner with five seconds left in regulation time. There was no call on the play. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Funny how leaf fans say this is a penalty, but completely ignore the high stick on Hagel in game 6 in the final minute 😭

  2. I am done with this league. Until refs are held accountable I will never spend another dollar on this sport and I am a Canadian.

  3. Staal was pissed Marner came in and lifted the stick into his face. Lesson: Don't get physical with the Florida Panthers. Gudas and Bennett will end you. And I guess Staal will too. Lol

  4. Dirty hit ,hope the fu he get the pissed pound out of him by the canes ,and the useless fucking refs too ,what else from a ref from Quebec

  5. Its called the Gary Bettman show, just like the disallowed goal that was clearly over the line.

  6. Calling that penalty wasn’t going to win them Game 5,6, or 7. Go panthers

  7. That's rough. Things like this are never called that late in a tied playoff game, but this one is bad enough it should at least be supplemental discipline.

  8. Absolute garbage.. this was by far and I mean by far the worst reffed series I’ve ever watched, the fact that Bennett didn’t get a thing, for the cross check(s) yes 2 of them on bunting, and then the DTD slam on knies, then the missed boardings, the missed late hits, the interference call of stall there, the game winning goal when gudas rushes to the net interferes with Jankrok trips him snows the goalie, then the seasons done.. just a terrible job by the refs. Absolute garbage..

  9. No bloody way this should have been missed…………unless it is under some 'higher-ups' orders to let one team off easier.

  10. You could make a 100 separate videos for all the non calls in this series, or the non goals for that matter.

    Leafs got screwed. That said, they deserved to lose this series. It would be a bigger deal if the series were tight

  11. These Leafs fans are delusional if they think that was an elbow to the head. That's a forearm to the chest and one hell of a flop by Marner. I could see two minutes for interference on Stall at most and to be honest they could also call Marner for embellishment here too.

  12. Maybe they should have the linesmen calling penalties, so this type of play doesn't get missed. I think the game gets out of hand during the playoffs. Not enough penalties being called.

  13. Bruh that’s not a penalty😂 there’s like 3 different things it could be! Roughing, elbowing, and interference

  14. Bruh that’s not a penalty😂 there’s like 3 different things it could be! Roughing, elbowing, and interference

  15. If the Leafs and Panthers series was actually hockey, the Leafs would already be in the Conference finals. Shame on the refs and the guys upstairs for allowing such an absolute garbage brand of hockey. No other professional sport changes its rules for the playoffs. The sport is rigged like WWE. Pathetic!

  16. It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore, it’s the plain fucking truth, the NHL wants US based franchises to go deep, not Canadian, for Gary’s fucking US TV revenue. The whole thing stinks like a fetid sewer, it makes me sick and I’m done with pro hockey for good.

  17. This example is why I've barely been a casual NHL fan for a few years now, and why most of my hockey coverage comes from a few snippets on YT. This isn't a tough call, it's textbook interference. Or, if you feel Marner "went down too easy", make it interference Staal and unsportsmanlike embellishment for Marner. If you call both you only get it 50% correct but maintain that all important "it's playoffs, let the players play" look for the fans and the officials (refs, lineys get a pass on a lot of stuff for dealing with the results of the refs shit) suffer less from coaches and players because they kept it even going into OT.

    Old guard thinking combined with a mix of veteran and rookie officials and no support from the league/NHLPA = never have the consistency required to change player/coach behaviour or grow the game. New fans don't know what the hell is going on and veteran fans are frustrated. Anyway, just one more opinion thrown on the tire fire.

  18. Gonna be hard to watch hockey this year after how bastardized the rulebook was in these playoffs. Some teams just literally got to play by different rules.
    This should have been a major and a suspension like Bunting's.

  19. To everyone saying the leafs shouldn't have let this series get away from them. How can they when this is how bad the officiating has been all series. its not like one bad call ruined it for them… Bad and missed calls every game. Most blatant bias i've ever seen.

  20. The refs have been doing this to the leafs as far as I could remember in the playoffs. It's got to the point I don't watch because I know how the game will be called.

  21. What Staal did to Marner is a penalty all day long. Black & white. He actually looked chagrined immediately thereafter. It's the flagrant un-called fouls like that one that fans get most upset about, because it's a penalty with no 'gray' aspect to it whatsoever. How it's 'missed' or deliberately not called is mystery to most long time hockey observers. The only explanation seems to be, that the referee watching it, decided it was not egregious enough to warrant affecting their perception of not 'giving' one team or the other any benefit to start OT. It's a disgrace. Staal wouldn't have dared to do that to Schenn or Simmonds, but he's real brave with Marner whom he out-weighs by almost 25 pounds & who is 4 inches shorter than Staal.

    I gotta be honest, Florida squeaked into the playoffs by 1 single point thanks to Pittsburgh's face-plant & have made the most of the gong show officiating circus that has been evident in both the Boston & Toronto series. Very curious to see if the dog-shit officiating continues when the conference final starts. I'm guessing Florida is going to have a much more difficult time with Carolina's top 4 D as they're all mobile, 6' 3" or more + over 200 lbs, with Burns weighing in at 232, especially if the officials decide they're not going to call too much.

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