@New York Rangers

I will beat Lachlan Carpenter after I’ve faced Todd Hutchings

Double duties time against the Australian Armwrestling Federation superheavyweight national champion Lachlan Carpenter.


  1. Of course Ryan will beat Lachlan. He's going to be completely fresh after Todd flash pins him 6 times, lol.

  2. Good on you trying to save the event by throwing you arm out there again. But sucks you have to honestly. Arm wrestling now seems to be full of guys that pull out of events last min.

  3. Michael Todd is ducking you bro. This isn’t a good look. Hutchings might as well show up drunk,he has no chance against you. At least then he can use the piss as an excuse.

  4. Mate I wanna see the match but I wanna see it fresh. Don’t wanna hear any excuses if it doesn’t go your way, in fairness I think you could win… fresh!

  5. Lachlans not looking like he’s on Mario’s level yet, and I believe you are much stronger then Mario now. I think you win extremely easily

  6. Well ya getting bigger putting in the hard work and doing what ya love to do so that's already a win win. I think your to nice to humble to smack with the Devons and Bagents out there lol but that will all come in due time haha. Good luck and have fun man that's all that matters!

  7. After you beat Hutchings, I think you should set your sights on Devon. hahaahhaha

  8. It's great to see your determination!!! Running an event like this isn't easy, and coming up with creative solutions is a must. Despite all your haters, you are a true bright spot in the armwrestling world.

  9. Why are you going back to the bullshit? , I thought you had learned the lesson after your loss with coach Ray and you were becoming a serious and responsible sportsman with the things you say in order gain respect from the armwrestling fans

  10. 🪞💪Ryan Bowen: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the greatest arm wrestling ginger of them all?

    🪞💭 Jerry Cadorette.

  11. Ryan and Uncle John are like two peas in a pod. Both delusional and arrogant and not near as good as they think they are

  12. I back the Aussies but I reckon you might be talking too higher of a game .. we'll see aye 😂

  13. Dude, go train with Devon for a while. I don't want to see you lose another match.

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