@Buffalo Sabres

Adams Has To Be Careful With The Eventual Tage Thompson Signing

Hey folks, in this video we jump ahead and project the Tage Thompson signing..thanks for watching as always 🙂
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  1. I think Adams is a lot smarter than our previous GM’s and will get a deal done that’s fair for both sides. It has to be that way with the contacts coming up in the future.

  2. Big season for Tage. If he reproduces last season's performance, $8 x 8 years is not unreasonable. I am glad that Tage produced to the highest level in the season prior to his contract season so Adams has 2 years worth of performances to judge his contract offer from.

  3. If Tage puts up similar numbers Tage will be getting $7mil per at the minimum (he can walk after a year). It would be nice to lock him into a $6-$6.5mil per deal but we shall see in a year what the final numbers are.

  4. I's a Catch 22. If you don't pay those guys, it's hard to make the playoffs and win… Point, Kucherov, Stamkos, Hedman, Vasilevsky… Rantanen, Makar… the list goes on and on. But sign bad contracts (Skinner, Vanek, etc), you're toast. I guess we'll know better where Thompson is next summer.

  5. If he has another season like this I would not be upset if we went 8 years $8. As of right now I want to see him locked in for 5 or 6 years at 6-6.5

  6. To me K.Adams seems to know the value of managing the cap space. It’s the most important knowledge a GM could have. The second most important is making good trades.
    If we can save around a million in a couple of contract extension deals in the future that could mean adding that extra veteran player at the trade-deadline that makes us reach the playoffs or (in a couple of years) become a cup contender.For Tage $7 x 7 years is what I would try and sign him to. He has had one good season. $8 x 8 years seems a bit high and anything more is a big -no -no. As Wayne says we can’t be paying players for potential.

  7. I'll like to see a 6 yr deal for TT. That would end with his age being 30 yrs old. Please no 8 yr deal . I believe it will hurt us in his early 30's. Prob 6 mill per. 6×6 would be the sweet spot.

  8. Thompson's contract will be very important, Your info (Suz, Nor, Carls) is on point. I see Thompson as a poster boy for the culture, help by management (moving to center and fearless of making mistakes) i credit them for his develop. – Will the teams ajust to him ? + Will the new additions help to spread the offense ? +/- Is he injury prone ? I would wait 42 games, i think they can thrust each other, the range is to big (4 mil to 9 mil).

  9. He's arbitration eligible next season, just do that. They'll draw up his term length around 1-2 years and award him $6-$9 million per avoiding the terrible long term bad contract scenario. Assuming they'll reference Dubois, Laine and Mangiapane signings from this offseason to justify a basis for him next offseason.

  10. The hard thing to predict for signing tage longterm, how he does this year.. he bombs.. he won't get that huge deal.. he does what he did this year or better.. much bigger deal.. he really explodes.. YIKES… I think that was the mistake with Eichel… quite frankly, I think we got a better year out of Tage this year than we ever had out of Jack.. not to mention, Jack brought a very bad attitude to the team.. is he why they missed the playoffs this year? I would not be surprised.. his attitude alone could have upset that team enough to drop them.. forgetting that for a moment, add in what they had to do to get him under the cap… between the two, YES Jack was why Vegas was outside looking in..

  11. I don't want any long term contracts. 3 years 5 mil max rn. If he repeats last year's production… Phew idk if he signs that…

  12. You make some good points. I think a 4 or 5-year deal at around 6 million would do. Need to be careful not to overpay. Everyone likes to drive a nice car, but the payments are rarely worth it in the long run.

  13. So I remember back when we first got Tage for O'Reilly I was doing research on him and I found something interesting. I found this video on youtube about the physics of a hockey shot. It broke down a lot of cool stuff about what goes into a hockey shot including torque and velocity. They had Austin Mathews featured in the video because of course we have known for quite some time he has one of the best shots in hockey. The interesting thing was they also had Tage Thompson in it as well because of his shot. This was back when he was like 20 years old. I found that interesting because they had both an all star and a prospect in the same video. I'm not comparing Tage Thompson to Austin Mathews by any means and I also don't care about stats and goals. I care about advanced metrics in sports and it's been known for quite some time that Tage was going to have one of the more lethal shots in hockey. This trait didn't just creep up on us it was part of his scouting profile. To me this is more telling of Tage's long term success. Last year should not be a surprise to anyone. He might have 50 in him. He also just got married and he wants to be here. I think he's worthy of a long term deal but I would just pause and see if he can back it up this year. I already know he can. His shot is just too good. It's always a gamble locking up players for more money long term. Teams do it because they know if they only sign a guy to 3 years at a lower AAV when it comes time to sign a new deal if the player explodes his next AAV skyrockets. So teams take a gamble and pay a player more money now then hes actually worth so they benefit long term. Sometimes this backfires though.

  14. I don’t think we lock tage up this year I think tage wants to bet on himself and try and repeat it which is better for both sides imo if he gets 35+ next year he will deff get 8 per if he gets 25 and 65 points he will prob get 6-7 … I think tage knows another great year and he will get paid so he will come hungry again this year, same with cozens …. Contract years r real things which is frustrating lol

  15. Think we could give a really good contract, but put in some nice bonus money for goals and assists?

  16. Last year scoring was crazy high….30 goals last year was 20 goals a couple years ago….teams just stopped playing defense …need to be carefull paying someone big conrract after 2022 numbers ….

  17. I have built a higher sand castle than the kid next to me. These contracts are all just about numbers and the gm forgets that it is money they have to pay, it seems.

  18. I listened to ATW and although Peters had some good points about Tage only having 1 good year and not being good on face offs, the reality is that if he has another good year he’s going to get a lot more than 6.5/yr. I just can’t see TT dropping off and becoming mediocre unless he has an injury. His shot is too good, he dictates play in the offensive zone with long reach, he kills penalties, can bring the puck up ice and is a high character guy. If he has another stellar year, lock him up, pay the man and take your chances. If he somehow plays badly this season, then you get him at a lower price.

  19. I don't give a flying f*** what other teams are paying out. If Tage plays well again this year, he should be looking at Tuch money at most. Somewhere in that 4.5 a year range. 5 years at 22.5 million seems good and fair to me. Two years of good play should not equal 8 or 7 million a season, sorry.

  20. I get why you subtract the Minus from The Goals, but, that's what The Plus/Minus Stat already does, so, it's kind of Penalized Him Twice, if you don't mind my input. It's A Good # to look at, however, to determine that although He Scores, when He's On The Ice, He's Still Getting Outscored (I think that Plus/Minus is A Good Factor To Look At, But, If You Went By It, As The Rangers Did, Marcel Dionne, in Scoring 40+ Goals Near The End Of His Career, Was Horrible As A Hockey Player – I Forget if it was Burgeron or Another Made The Mistake As Then-Rangers' Coach – Hence, His Firing The Year After).

  21. LOL. Dallas doesn't want to have The Tyler Seguin Curse Put On Them. LOL (i'm Referring To The Fleecing Of The Big Bad Bears Of Hockey – That Team That We Dislike So Much, I Don't Mention Their City By Name – LOL).

  22. Doesn't +/- already take into account goals and points scored? So Tage was a -17 even though he had +68 points…

    Makes it look even worse.

    Tage has to have a repeat or even better season and he needs to be an overall + player if he wants 7-8 million a year for 5 – 8 years.

    Otherwise his contract should be more in the 5-6 million range and shorter term.

  23. Tage got put with the best 2 wingers our team has, and played the most minutes out of all our centers. Of course he’s going to have a good year, he doesn’t deserve over 6m though

  24. I want to see consistency before we hit our Salary Cap up to shell out $$ …no more 1 year wonders like Ville Leino

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