@Carolina Hurricanes

Pageau slash on Teravainen – Have your say!

Teuvo Teravainen is out of the playoffs, requiring surgery for a broken hand as a result of this slash by Jean-Gabriel Pageau. There was no penalty on the play. Tough Call will be reviewing the incident. Have your say!


  1. Why no call? ….because the Islanders had several penalties already? The officiating in the NHL is the biggest drag in this sport. If it's a penalty, CALL IT, regardless of how many times a team fouls.

  2. and then they don't call the high stick that leads to the OT winner…. this crew will get a few nights off. what a debacle.

  3. Unintentional and easy for referee to miss, but worthy of a penalty nonetheless. Teräväväinen got a broken bone from that.

  4. HOW MANY GAMES for Jean-Gabriel Pageau "tomahawk chop" breaking Teravainen's hand? Playing hard is one thing; playing GUTLESS DIRTY is just … There APPARENTLY was a place for it in the 70's… 50 years ago. I hope he's (Pageau) is gone for the series; Teravainen is gone for the remainder of the playoffs.

  5. Definitely a slash. Didn’t look that bad to break his hand, but I’m not the one getting hit either.

  6. But it's ok all of the missed calls against Carolina right!? 7 men on the ice, stick to Mayfield face that sent him to the ice on the winning goal, those were the last 2, I can go on! Cry all the way home, the refs handed you a 2 game lead end of story!

  7. No doubt a 100% slash. That is literally the definition of a slash. Don't see how anyone could make the argument that it was not a slash.

  8. Isles fan. Definitely a slash. Sucks he got injured, but calling it malicious or intent to injure is ridiculous. I totally get being pissed if you're a Canes fan. Pageau has been in the league for a decade. When has he ever been considered a dirty player.

  9. Player safety won't suspend——they are just as awful as the crew that officiated this game! Jean-Gabriel is dirty whenever things are not going his/or the teams way. Hurting someone made him feel like he had an impact on the game.

  10. And no call… that's an unfortunate missed penalty and even more unfortunate broken hand. Teräväinen gonna miss at least the rest of round 1.

  11. Hard to reconcile this with some of the hooking calls where the stick barely touches the arm/glove and makes no impact, but still gets called.

  12. Textbook slash. I think the refs were blown away that the islanders gameplan was simply to injure the other team

  13. If that broke his hand maybe we should introduce the old milk commercials. Weak. That’s what happens when the refs call penalties on one team and not both.

  14. Looks like Teräväinen played a part on that contact, but it doesn't change the fact that it clearly was slashing.

  15. Refs on something , terrrible, time to test refs for drugs and alcohol before game , hard to be that stupid

  16. Wow, would there be just crickets across the NHL Player Safety Dept if it was Austin Matthews or Connor McDavid who was injured as a result of this chop? Goes to show that it doesn't matter what has happened, it is who it happened to.

  17. Rangers fan who feels officiating has been bad.
    Pageau is a dirty player. He should get supplementary discipline here…but won’t!

  18. It’s a slash but the canes were on their 6th power play while the canes where not penalized at all in this game. Refs are just trying to save face and make this game look evenly decide. This was the most obvious rig job the leagues ever had.

  19. As long as he's out for that injury is how long that guy should be out. There's no call for slashing someone's hand that high and hard.

  20. Stephen Walkom are you watching, punishment needs to fit crime. Shooter nearly thru shot, slasher doesn't back off reckless slash.

  21. Should be suspended for as long as Teravainen is out for one simple reason: it‘s the only way how dirty stickwork can be controlled.

    As long as slashing is not suspended by the league: If I were Brind‘Amour, i would put two goons out the next games with the only intention to retaliate and break the hands of their two best players. Would send a signal to the rest of the league as well. As long as officiating is that poor and inconsistent, there‘s only one way: eye for an eye!

  22. Islanders cry about before OT own high sticking by Mayfield stick but they think this is okay lol.

  23. It's a standard slash. An attempt to stick check an opponent that hits his hand. There's no intent to injure. 2 min minor at best.

  24. That slash broke his hand and now he’s out for good. I’d say that’s a slash that shouldve been called

  25. Pageau is a pos hockey player known for shit like this when his team sucks. Hopefully the target blowzelles a creeky knee!

  26. Islanders are going to injure enough Hurricanes players so that the second round will be a cake walk for whoever plays Carolina. The Islanders will lose in 5, maaaaaybe 6 – but the 'Canes will be walking wounded. Islanders are a bunch of cheap shot artists. Sad.

  27. Have your say….there's only one way to see this. And I'm rooting for the Islanders. Even in the 80's & early 90's playoffs, this is a slash kids.

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