@Toronto Maple Leafs

Toronto Maple Leafs Fans Reaction to CRUCIAL Game 4 win vs Florida Panthers

The Toronto Maple Leafs have lived to see another day, earning a 2-1 victory over the Florida Panthers in game four. The teams will meet up again in Toronto in game five on Friday night. In this video, Leafs fans react to the game four win.


  1. And keefe loves justin holl!! Its mind blowing!! Seriously!! I DONT GET IT!

  2. Woll was great. Boys did a great job defending as well. If they defended like that in front of Sammy this series would look different. Seeing woll play makes me want a Sammy and woll tandem even more

  3. A good game tonite. Too bad they didn’t play like this since game 1 then we wouldn’t be in this mess and might have had a chance to move forward. If you have no heart you have no chance. Could they be the 5th team in nhl history to come back from a three game deficit ? Yeah right. Ha ha.😂😂😂😂

  4. I knew it the score will be just like Gm 6 between Leafs vs Lightning 2-1 Leafs but no OT

  5. Panthers losing in the only game so far this round with Woll the entire game either means Woll should replace Samsonov as primary goalie or the Panthers didnt try this game. This should have been a slam dunk, but instead they are going to Toronto which is sad and a waste of everyone’s time.

  6. As a Panthers fan who went to my 1st sports game in years, it was a tough loss, but I think it's ultimately better for the next round to not sweep a team because it reminds you to always stay on your toes.

  7. panthers went 3 straight in their last series and this one, and toronto won 3 straight last series too.. they could easily pull it off!! making it interesting at least!

  8. Well, let's not start sucking each other's sticks just yet.


  10. I hate to be on the shitting on Holl bandwagon. I do think he gets some unnecessary hate. But when your play is inconsistent it goes with the territory. When 80% of the time you make stupid defensive mistakes it’s easy to forget the moments he plays well, or at least decent.

  11. As a panthers fan it was a decent game. The leafs finally adapted to our play style. Kinda makes me nervous not gonna lie.

  12. We're still up 3-1 out there, but hey, no discredit. Y'all looked fierce as fuck out there and your stars really showed up. Marner was an a Marnimal and he clearly wasn't phased by Tkachuk. I love Bennett's energy, but maaaaaaan, I could do without that nasty bullshit he's been doing. I hope by next season, he finds a proper balance, cuz I'm not looking to cheer for a new Tom Wilson. That said, I ain't worried one bit yet. Sweep would have been nice, but I'm fine with a loss as well. Seen a lot of teams look terrible coming off a week long break, so the extra game and travel might be for the best.

    That said, if the Leafs win Friday night, that's a different ballgame. Y'all might make this a series after all, but you gotta prove you truly want that tomorrow night. Best of luck to all three of ya and I'm actually glad Toronto felt like showing up for once.

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