@Montreal Canadiens

[Incarcerated Bob] These last two weeks Habs are doing serious due diligence on 3 prospects Will Smith, Michkov, Zach Benson.. seems like these are the three they are extremely focused

[Incarcerated Bob] These last two weeks Habs are doing serious due diligence on 3 prospects Will Smith, Michkov, Zach Benson.. seems like these are the three they are extremely focused

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. KantanaBrigantei

    Exciting players. This is good.

  2. Hockey4Life27

    All 3 of them would be dope. Let’s hope 🙏🏼

  3. Yes ! Nobody had ever asked them about Benson so I was scared he wasn’t even on their radar.

  4. 23Flavour5

    I have a preference for Michkov but if we get any of these three, I’m pretty damn happy.

  5. dadoudelidou

    Exciting news that they seem to want to go with best player available. Has much as i’d want to draft a RD Ă  la Reinbacher, we need a scoring foward.

    What do you think of Sandin-Pellikka? I’d love to see a trade where we end up being able to draft one of Mitchkov/Smith at 5 and be able to draft ASP at let’s day rank 11.

    I’ve seen rumors that MTL would be linked to VAN to cap dump Garland ( 4.9M/3 years), i wonder if their first would be in play…

  6. triscos1995

    I gotta say we have been blessed with exciting trades and chaos with bergevin for years and it seems HuGo is going down the same route.

    Results arent always there but at least we have stuff to talk about lmao

  7. Hockey4Life27

    Seems like Hughes would trade up to take Will Smith or stay at 5 and pick either Benson or Michkov. Looks like he really wants Smith 🤣. I could be wrong, no one knows.

  8. confidenceisKi

    Awesome, if it’s true there’s no need to lose an important piece in an attempt to move up a spot or 2. We’ll likely be getting a star if we’re keying in on these 3 players.

  9. xXxWeAreTheEndxXx

    I thought just yesterday we were aggressively trying to move up to 2nd to draft Fantili?

  10. And all these three could be available so that tracks. Would be happy with any one of them.

  11. Wouldn’t be mad with any of those three guys! Imo I’d be happy with Leonard as well.

  12. facepollution5

    Benson seems really skilled but his size is giving me flashbacks to my entire life as a Habs fan

  13. Ghost_Idol

    Thank god for no mention of Leonard or reinbacher.
    I still hope they take Michkov or Smith, but I’m okay with benson

  14. Sentenced2Burn

    any of those 3 is a win in my book.

  15. Habsfan_1984

    Michkov, Smith, Benson, Leonard. One of those three and I’m happy. Sure it would be nice to have Michkov in NA but he’s playing in the second best league against men so he will be ready to go when he can come over and making less than a million for three years. He will join us when I think we will be entering contention and his low salary may give us cap flexibility at the TDL.

  16. FakeCrash

    I will be thrilled with any of these three.

  17. mountainpope

    we’re so back, back in a way that you didn’t think possible to be back, but back nonetheless

    It could also be over, everyone beware

  18. Grizz709

    I’d be pleased with either (especially if Michkov falls to 5). Other than that, maybe Leonard.

  19. im fine with any of those 3 the rest not so sure

  20. HawkeyGawds

    I’d be happy with any of those three

  21. Woullie_26

    3 names that we haven’t heard at all so far….

    Safe to say the habs have no idea Wtf their doing.

  22. MrFantastic74

    They are all good, but failing Michkov, I’d like to see Leo Carlsson

  23. NinjaGoalie97


  24. Advanced-Limit-4819

    I think SJ takes him. They are years off from being competitive, they’ll get a good pick next year, so it doesn’t matter if this one is a swing and a miss.

    I am fully for picking Michkov though. You don’t win cups without a game-breaker, and we don’t have one of those at the present time.

  25. Key-Surprise-9206

    I’m really high on Benson so would not be upset with him at all

  26. GoalCaufieldReg

    We should grab Leonard at 5 (hes elite imo) and then move up to 8 with WAS to grab Benson. Imo, he might even fall to 11 because of his size/speed which is crazy imo. Theres no way Leonard gets past both ARZ and PHI, thats why we should secure him at 5 and then make Benson our priority for a trade up.

    If we could leave the draft with both of them, Id be ecstatic.

  27. Sharks9

    I want Michkov but I’d be happier with Benson instead of Leonard or Reinbacher

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