@Vancouver Canucks

Garland does not get enough love.

So i am a big Conor garland fan. I can not understand how everyone in Vancouver seems to agree that this is the guy that needs to go. Is dude a spotty producer? Yea I guess. But maybe stop playing him with nils Aman or Sheldon dries. This guy gets no opportunity and has as many 5v5 (not even strength points those are different) as Miller over the past 2 years. I don’t want to hear anything about oh he’s the easiest guy to move because I know a lot of people love the new front office but if they think miller being a power play specialist makes him worth 8 mil while thinking garlands money is an issue then I just don’t know what to say. They also seem to be giving boeser unlimited chances. It just makes no sense

by Simple_Employment_49


  1. TheNightRyder402

    What drives me crazy is that no other team wants him. He’s a beast and apparently we have to sweeten the deal to offload that contract? Doesn’t make any sense for such a good forward.

  2. elrizzy

    I’ve been saying exactly this in other threads. Garland is a 5v5 powerhouse that outscores many players people consider “better” than him.

  3. NerdPunch

    I don’t think anyone denies that Garland is a solid 5v5 point producer. He’s talented.

    It’s more a matter of what else is he bringing to the table?

  4. cosalich

    I see Garland the same way I saw Mason Raymond. A smaller guy with speed that could put up some points but was an accessory player on the wing that you can’t build around.

    The reason Garland’s name is always swirling around for a trade is because he’s expendable due to a glut of wingers. Same as Boeser.

    Someone has to go to free up money for the defense, and he makes sense because teams should in theory want a 5v5 point collector on the wing. The main issue is that the league has shied away off this kind of trade. No GM wants to spend 5M on an accessory piece for 3 years unless they’re desperate, and nobody is desperate for a 2/3 RW these days.

    GMs are getting smarter and with the current cap situation and Garland’s contract length it simply doesn’t make sense in a league where teams either have cap space and aren’t trying to win right now, or they are trying to win and have zero cap space.

    If Garland had one year left on his contract I think he’d already be gone to an interested team at the last TDL

  5. House_of_Gucci

    Curious what the comparison would be between the two for turnovers over the same period

  6. Snoo-52711

    This is why I think we need to buyout OEL this offseason. Yeah, the 8years of cap hit sucks giant donkey dick, but the cap hit for the last 4 years of 2.4 million is not that bad for dead cap. Once that happens and we are not over a barrel for cap space, other teams won’t be able to demand sweeteners like they are now.


    Garland’s one of the few forwards on this team that have found 5v5 success without Pettersson. Practically every other winger on this club is dependant on Pettersson to make things happen for them. Boeser, Beauvillier, Kuzmenko, Mikheyev ,Miller (ever since the lotto line ceased to exist), and all the other random guys that were plugged on his line, Joshua and Pederson.

    For years, the team has needed/wanted play-drivers down the lineup, and they have one, but because he’s paid a premium (as every other forward on this club is), he’s treated like he’s Loui Eriksson or something.

  8. Miserable-Ring-4539

    GMs look at his size. Big bodies are what GMs want now. I tend to agree. Garland showed me the player he could be his first year. Real shit disturber. He didn’t play that way last year. Changed his style a bit. Some players seem to get comfortable after signing a nice extension. For what Garland is now I would pay 5mil especially in a flat cap.

  9. phantomgiratina

    Unfortunately no GM wants to pay assets to acquire a 5M 5’8” winger that does not play on any special teams

  10. AverageMaleAged18-24

    He’s the type of scoring depth teams need in the playoffs. I think we need to keep both him and Boeser and blast Myers into the sun.

  11. Shironye

    This is why I would rather hold pat for another year and wait for the cap to go up, then give assets to move him. Teams know he’s good, but they also know we want- need cap space, which is why they’re trying to screw us over. No thanks.

  12. secularflesh

    I don’t get the trade Garland sentiment. He produces reliably and is only slightly overpaid.

  13. OneChet

    He’s the Canucks 3rd best forward. Honestly a smarter, rebuilding, team would be targeting players like him. Wingers around 25 on long term fair money deals have no value right now. 2 years from now he’ll be considered a bargain and fetch quite a bit. This win now attitude in our front office constantly hamstrings the whole organization.

  14. BrodyCanuck

    I’ve been saying all along we shouldn’t get rid of Garland, especially if people are expecting a sweetener.

  15. Realistic_Ad7517

    Its an issue of hes the only one that will actually be traded. I think everyone agrees that garland is probably a better keep than boeser, the issue is other teams know that.

    We cant move boeser because no one wants him. Which makes garland the 2nd guy on the chopping block as hes the only other winger with a decent cap hit that could be moved.

    They arent going to trade kuzy(right call) cause of his extension and season, mikeyev is going to stay because they already traded for him. Joshua, de guissepe, podkolzin and hoglander are all on cheap contracts that wouldnt make sense to move.

    So by proccess of elimination garland is the guy thats gotta go to clear cap. I wish it could be boeser as i like garland but it is what it is.

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