@Toronto Maple Leafs

Is John Tavares A Bad Captain? | The Steve Dangle Podcast

Steve, Jesse and Adam discuss whether or not John Tavares was the right choice for the Maple Leafs captaincy and if not, who they think would’ve been a better pick.


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  1. he shouldnt be a leaf in the first place. the fact that they got him instead of a defenseman is the cause of their problems.

  2. Why do we give a care about a guy who pulled down his pants in a moment of drunken stupor. I think it's the best player for the job no matter what, I dont think tavares has the ability to pump up a team. His voice literally makes me want to fall asleep, no offense to John tavares, but he just became a dad, and hockey is no longer the only love of his life, I think auston should've been captain, his emotion shows and his excitement and talent is enough to show a leadership position is for him. Again no offense to tavares but the islanders were shit, the entire time tavares was the captain and literally the minute he leaves the team gets better, and they all of a sudden are playing with heart. I need to see way more passion from that guy, I know he wants to win, but I want him to show it.

  3. He's a good captain and worth the contract. Maybe it would have been better to spend that money on 1-2 d also worth the contract. But, first, they didn't give any assets to get tavares (and might have had to to get defencemen) and second I dont think Matthews, Kadri, bozak, x was enough depth down the middle.

  4. Again The Shanahan Plan has been a HUGE Failure He needs to be FIRED along with Dubas and his ridiculous analytics Team

  5. Do things still change when I hit 25 even if I wasnt a partier? Because I'm 22 and I'm definitely not, I go out pretty rarely, get caught up in everything else haha

  6. There's a pretty good chance Matthews leaves at the end of his deal if Arizona is a strong team. Giving it to Matthews was a good idea, but that mixed with the mooning incident made the decision much easier. Home town kid, it's his team.

  7. I'm a fan of Tavares, not a fan of him as captain. I'm sure I could be completely off the mark but I feel like he is the least vocal person on the team. He's definitely the most boring person I've ever listened to but maybe that's a good thing in this market.

  8. I'm the one that asked the question. i like Tavares, i have his jersey, and believe in him for sure! I remember at the time of the home opener this season, I figured it was a really bad time for Matthews to be named Captain, and Tavares was a great choice. I don't really know what makes for the best captain in the NHL, obviously we dont see what goes on in the dressing room. Morgan Riley is certainly a leader on the team, but there are a lot of other guys with that title as well. At this point in the season with all of the injuries going on, its time for the superstars to put the team on their back and push for these playoffs. AM34 is heating up, JT91 is preforming well, beating the Panthers was a big win, and I believe our stars can drag the team into the playoffs.

  9. I'm just here to say I saw the full episode so I don't need to watch this but shame on you for this brilliant title.

  10. I'll admit, I wanted Morgan to be captain last summer. Now I'm glad he isn't, his decrease in points this year would be entirely blamed on him being captain if he were.
    That being said I kinda think Tavares is a little quiet, and seems like the type who would kinda keep to himself. Where Morgan plans dinners and brings his mom in to town to see Mitch and Auston in the Nutcracker.

  11. There are different types of effective captains in the NHL. Theres the rallying type of captain who will make others work hard and focus on details (the Toews type) and then theres the more passive "does it the right way" captain that is meant to be an example for others to follow (the Sundin or Tavares etc). Both work, depending on who is in the lineup. The players know who is the leader in the room regardless of who wears the C, but I am firmly of the belief that if a team isnt self motivated enough to give a damn night in and night out, then they lack the first type of leadership, and arent the type of people that respond well to the second type of leadership. They should add some more veteran leadership, something that comes cheap nowadays.

  12. I can't see Sidney Crosby allowing his team to play the way the Leafs have been playing in the last few weeks on their bad games. Zero heart or care. No way.

  13. Are you fucking kidding me! He is a point a game player. He got injured for months and has caught up. Not his fault the entire team got hurt throughout the year and the year before Dubas traded every veteran presence and let the children run the asylum

  14. Is the captain the problem?
    Nope. It is the D. All of it. It is BAD.
    Chronic LACK OF EFFORT is also a problem.

  15. No should have gave it to Matthews and he probably would have got the C if he did not moon that chick

  16. JT was never and is not captain material and as a NYI fan it truly was a blessing in disguise that Leafs took him , the only thing I was pissed about was not even getting a draft pick .

  17. I said Matthews then and I still think Matthews should have been. Look at past cup winning captains. Their is so much compelling evidence that a home grown captain leads to cup winning teams. Tavares is a great captain and I am not saying he isnโ€™t. I think that even though JT is from Toronto he never grew up in the locker room. Matthews or Reilly should have been picked IMO. Not that Tavares is a bad captain, just saying I think it broke a locker room of home grown players.

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