@Buffalo Sabres

Alex Ovechkin slashes Ilya Lyubushkin mid-shot – [Both Broadcasts]

clip from Buffalo Sabres @ Washington Capitals on March 15th, 2023

0:00 – Washington Broadcast
1:11 – Buffalo Broadcast
1:59 – The only good view
2:05 – Buffalo Broadcast


  1. Ovi-Rated slashes the shooter across the hands, then has his usual childish tantrum when he's called. The Caps announcers absolutely, blindly (literally) defend their big whiny hero. Replays show that the refs got it exactly right.

    Nothing to see here, just the usual brand Caps behaviour.

  2. Interference maybe? But not slashing. Never liked Ovechkin, but the officiating this year is so bad it's hard to not like any player anymore.

  3. When the video is slowed down to .25 speed at about the 2:00 minute point, which was already slowed down by the broadcast, it is fairly clear the stick was in one piece until Ovi made contact with his stick. I strongly root against the Sabers, for no reason other than that is my Brother's favorite team, and acknowledge there was not highly forceful contact; however the stick was in one piece until contacted by Ovi's stick in a slashing manner and between the gloves. Anytime an action by a player breaks the stick of the player on the opposing team it should be a penalty, and after Crosby's broken finger any slashing motion towards the hands has been called a ton (although I don't believe that should have a factor here). Overall, I think this was ultimately the correct call, even if what the ref saw/heard was not the correct reason.

  4. Clear penalty, Ovi should stop using his stick as a weapon! Dude speared someone in the nuts not long ago!

  5. the ref woh called the penalty in no position to see what happened, it’s a guessing call nonetheless

  6. WOW…. this is what the NHL deems as a slash? I thought I was watching soccer highlights of "over dramatization"… new rule in the NHL, go back to wooden sticks, your composite garbage breaks like a twig lol

  7. Любушкин мог и признаться , что его не задел Овечкин ….но он любушкин ….. и никем и не будет…. Любушкин и останется….

  8. It may have looked like Ovi broke the guys stick, but I think it just snapped on it’s own.

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