@Philadelphia Flyers

[ADiMarco25] With Krug not expected to budge on waiving his NTC, it sounds like it may just be Kevin Hayes going to the #stlblues. I wouldn’t expect a lot back if this is the case; would be more or less a salary dump.

[ADiMarco25] With Krug not expected to budge on waiving his NTC, it sounds like it may just be Kevin Hayes going to the #stlblues. I wouldn’t expect a lot back if this is the case; would be more or less a salary dump.

by MrRegularSeason


  1. JoelHurts

    Still stuck with the sanhiem contract 💔💔💔

  2. CrunchyKorm

    Guessing there was no guarantee of a third team facilitating Krug going somewhere else?

  3. Arseling69

    I mean I wanted no part on retaining Krug contract to facilitate another team into the deal but I also want that 1st lol. Come on Danny at least get us the 29th for Hayes. Retain 50% fuck it.

  4. ProfessorDerp22

    Kinda surprised Hayes is just a “salary dump”. He’s still reasonably productive and if we retain 30%, he’s not on a terrible term.

  5. greenghostburner

    Hayes and Laughton for both 1sts, get it done!

  6. WooderFountain

    Hayes is not just a salary dump, he’s also a culture dump, which is just as important right now. Jonesy and Briere are trying to build a team of highly skilled, highly competitive players with strong character. Hayes is lacking in all three areas, and will only hinder the development of the young players. I’m sure Briere is talking to many teams about Hayes, and I’m fine with him taking whatever the best offer is, even if it’s just a 2nd round pick.

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