@Arizona Coyotes

Zack Kassian open ice hit in World Jrs – five and a game. Canada/Czech Rep 12/28/10 – The #1 Source On the Future Blue & Gold.: Zack Kassian keeps his elbow in and hits a CZE player at the 2011 WJC; earns a match penalty and game misconduct.


  1. Love Canada's physical game this year shame the refs have to call a clean open ice hit like this.

  2. @divinefart my friend, you would be down and out if you took that hit as a under 18 kid. The Czech's did nothing wrong, the refs blew this call

  3. @Fireupatree Did you even watch the game….the Czech player was motionless not rolling around.

  4. lmao piere mcguire should get his story straight there he says no initial contact to the head but if you watch him on tsn he is saying there was contact to the head and blindsided him. he wrecks the games i just wannt to hit the mute button whenever he is on i cant stand him. and the officiating brutal no way should that have been a penalty as refs there just protecting the euoropean players b.c they feel they have2 that same hit on a usa player no call guarentee ps keep your head up

  5. only if another nation can play some physical game and not act like pussys…. first thing to remember against canada, keep yo head up or get your head taken off. What dominance canada shows.

  6. w/e… we'll still win if you took one player….this pisses kassian off which then will get him even more revved

  7. @xTRUSHOTZx LOL!!c'mon seriously guy obviously he was motionless,thats just what i wrote at the time.What are you an english teacher? and ya i watched the game,good win for Canada looking forward to the Norway game.

  8. I don't think the hit was malicious or anything, but all you retards stating that there is no contact to the head are dreaming. Look again he clearly makes contact with the head. And to call all Czech players pussies? Grow up people.

  9. It was an illegal and dirty hit with the shoulder to the chin and head of the Czech player.

  10. @HK1987 only reason he hit his chin is because the guy is half a foot shorter and his chin is at kassian's shoulder level. Not much kassian can do other then bend over to hit the guy, international hockey is becoming another game like soccer. Soon they will take out hitting and the use of sticks and replace the boards with padded pillows, and only 1 team can be on the rink at a time.

  11. @highflyer4 There is a difference between playing tough and dirty. The game has always been tough but just because of that it shouldn`t be allowed to dish out dirty and dangerous hits and make up excuses that the game has gone soft. That`s not hockey and has never been about hockey. In my eyes this was a dirty hit, even if others don`t agree it still won`t change the facts for me.

  12. I'm Czech and it was 101% clean to me…and 200% awesome…I like canadian hockey style…period

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