@National Hockey League

The Canadiens have easily the worst fansbase in the League

this kid just put up 22 points on defence as a teenager in the third best pro league in Europe and Canadiens Fans act they Just drafted Michael Del Zotto

by TBNSK74


  1. Mitcheeeey

    Poor guy has had such a bad draft experience I’m sure. Gets his name botched and forgotten, then gets hate messages by his own teams fans because they wanted someone else to be picked instead, now his own team don’t want to play him because of the fans reaction…

  2. Vegetable-Hall-7281

    Who did they want? Michkov? So dumb hahah those same fans are probly also saying Bedard going to Chicago is rigged

  3. DredgenCrudelis

    Montreal Canadiens fans know every last stat and detail about hockey except how to play it. Let those losers lace up their skates and go be the draft pick they believe their team needs.

  4. Tayeulestp

    I’m so ashamed to be a Habs fan sometimes. Poor kid, hope he can ignore all this bs. Really looking forward to see him play in the big league with us.

  5. joeshmoe514

    As a habs fan, i totally agree, our fanbase is insuferable and this whole shitshow has me super embarrassed.

  6. DarthBakker

    This is the dumbest click bait headline of all time.

  7. No_Acanthisitta2044

    Lol what? he said himself hes finishing up school so he wont be in NA for a year.

    U guys say mtl fans are the worse, its more like we have one of the biggest fanbase in all of hockey, so of course we have more bad and good fan then 99% of teams.

    You guys are getting baited by the media with this quote 🎣🎣

  8. -PrideofLowell-

    agregious click bait bs right here.

  9. LegoManiac1027

    We don’t hate Reinbacher, we just didn’t think the pick was used to it’s maximum value. But when you think about it, we couldn’t trade it to Arizona because they didn’t care of selecting Michkov, they wanted a defenseman. We also couldn’t trade it to Philly since Arizona was gonna take Reinbacher at 6th overall instead so Simashev. Management took the guy they really wanted. Plus Reinbacher is already staying in Europe since he has to finish school over there.

  10. LittleLionMan82

    I highly doubt this is true, do you really think the front office are going to hamper the kid’s development due to some kooky fans?

    Edit: less than 48hrs after the draft, hasn’t even had a single workout and they’re making decisions for the entire upcoming season? BS.

  11. That_One_Dwarph

    I really hope when they do play him, he becomes an amazing player just so the people who were mad he was drafted look stupid

  12. Murky-logic

    Worst Fanbase is a stretch, there are definitely some idiots, but watching some of the games on TV down in Florida where there’s barely anybody in the building at least the Habs fans are showing up at night and night out to support the team

  13. LittleLionMan82

    Totally misleading. Here is the actual quote from the article: “*But I also heard that there is some concern among Canadiens brass about bringing Reinbacher to Montreal or Laval right away in light of the torches and pitchforks running through the fan base right now, and that exposing him to that immediately might do more harm than good”*

    Some members having some concerns vs the whole organization being “hesitant” are two totally different things. I think whenever you have a young player entering a pressure filled market like Montreal there is always a bit of concern.

  14. Patient_Jicama_4217

    Even if the fans are upset this reasoning is illogical. You win fans over by playing well

  15. KantanaBrigantei

    The media needs to stop telling us how everyone who watches the Habs feels. They look at ten Twitter comments and say people are freaking. The media outlets are the ones making a big deal out of it.

  16. HammerheadMorty

    Oy all due respect but fuck this article. I want us to play the kid. He’s worked hard to get into the league, we should give him his day. Screw yall whiny giblets who screamed like man children in draft day over this. Friggen embarrassing.

  17. LEDZ100

    I’m sure it didn’t help that the GM said he might not have picked him if he were left handed and that he doesn’t think Reinbacher will be a first line power play guy.

  18. CharlyWerk

    People love to rag on the Habs fansbase, whatever that is, but I’ve never enjoyed a game more in any arena wearing a visitors jersey than at the Bell Centre in Montreal. I don’t judge the crazies, every team has them, but your average Habs fan is great.

  19. NaySayers

    Generalization, one hell of a drug. I’m sure the organization looks at Twitter before making decisions on their roster.

  20. GroceryStickDivider

    Sounds like a false flag operation trying to undermine and then get our 5th OA pick at a discount. Play the kid! Welcome David!

  21. Mediocre-you-14

    The NHL ‘draft guru’ or ‘prospect junkies’ are BY FAR the worst type of hockey fans.

    They act like they know exactly who should be picked, where they should go to, and when. Realistically all they did was study some stats and make a decision on whos stats were better.

    Same thing was going on with the Leafs 28th pick. None of the IG comments were welcoming the kid. they were all adults saying “bad value” “poor asset management” “should have traded down”. These people are the WORST fans.

  22. Studly_Wonderballs

    1) Hard to call Habs fans the worst when Canucks and Leafs fan exist.
    2) They did not change their plan. His plan was to stay in Europe for at least another year, which is perfectly fine.
    3) The loudest loudest and most upset fans aren’t Habs fans, they’re insecure babies who’ve attached their self worth to something external rather than acquiring a personality.
    4) The media in Montreal is the worst. They love to stir the pot and rile people up. The reaction from some fans was bad, but it was small. Media blows it up into something bigger than it is.

  23. Few-Quiet-283

    This is a lie 😂😂😂😂 a professional sports organization would not make decision based on a small amount of fans, if they wanted him to play in NA they would play him in NA. This is a business, the Montreal canadiens don’t give a **** about what a bunch fans on Twitter think 😂

  24. YaboyChris28

    Imagine having a life so pointless and unfulfilling you send hate mail to an 18 year old kid

  25. ludocroy

    Fuck those “fans” let’s be respectful and play the kid. Bienvenue David.

  26. MarlowesMustache

    But they will play him in SA and Australia though, right?

  27. snark_enterprises

    This article is kinda BS. The only Habs fans that are angry about the pick are idiots on Reddit and Twitter that were Michkov fanboys. You think the management gives a shit what they think?

    Most Habs fans are very happy with the pick, including me. He is a valuable asset and him playing in Europe for a season has nothing to do with the reaction from some dumb fans.

  28. savi_GTA4

    I’m one that loves are pick! Welcome to Montreal David !

  29. DOGEmeow91

    As a Habs fan I’m embarrassed to see how some “fans” reacted online. Truly horrific.

  30. Bossman01

    Just downvote this stupid click bait post and don’t click on the article or they will keep writing this garbage

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