@Montreal Canadiens

A sweet & humble 18 year-old kid shouldn’t have to deactivate comments on his IG page about the biggest day of his life. But that’s exactly what he thinks he has to do so he doesn’t get hateful comments from Habs fans. Just sad.

A sweet & humble 18 year-old kid shouldn’t have to deactivate comments on his IG page about the biggest day of his life. But that’s exactly what he thinks he has to do so he doesn’t get hateful comments from Habs fans. Just sad.

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. shniefersutherland

    I’m thankful the community on here is pretty fucking decent. I can’t look at instagram comments anymore. Bunch of ignorant idiots that just complain for the likes or what ever.

  2. crissdecaliss

    It was to be expected tbh. It’s the same with every huge and passionate fanbase in sports. If anything, it gives him a glimpse of what he’ll have to deal with during his whole career. Not saying it’s right, but it’s just the social media effect. Nasty stuff has been said for many years here on Reddit on many players, it’s always gonna be like that.

  3. bless24

    I hope management is treating him well right now! He deserves it.

  4. TheHockeyDude14

    It’s probably a Chantal recommendation right now because the loudest people are always the dumbest people

    Kid is gonna see all the likes he get and when these assholes are done with their childish shits , everything is gonna come back to normal and he’s gonna enjoy what the “real fans” have to give !

    But yeah it’s freaking sad that he has to do it at first..

  5. alex1596

    Il a même écrit “Montréal” avec l’accent aigu. I will beat everyone up who’s mean to him I swear to god

  6. cloudposts

    And yet those same “fans” will be cheering hard when his name is called opening night at the Bell Centre.

  7. ghg1999

    Id have to assume the organization asked him to do it. Keep in mind hes played professional sports in europe, and if any soccer fans are reading this, you would know how crazy european fans can be, so fan harassment probably isnt new to him

  8. snark_enterprises

    The good thing is he seems to have a strong head on his shoulders. I think he will turn out to be a real asset.

  9. Ok_Youth1867

    Okay, wtf. It’s one thing to be upset with the org’s choice, but going on a kid’s page to harrass him is unhinged

  10. Jagrmeister_68

    The trolls who did this need to go back to the bridge they live under.
    Ya don’t agree with the pick? That’s great- who cares. You didn’t have to make the decision.
    This kid could be the next Nick Lidstrom- who knows. THEN what are they going to say?

  11. infinis

    Very sad, how many more posts about this will we have?

  12. noragepetit

    Je suis parmi ceux déçus par le choix. Cependant, jamais il devrait recevoir des messages de haine. Il devrait vivre un beau moment présentement et non se faire insulter par des idiots.

    J’ai hâte de le voir jouer pour notre équipe!

  13. Not_drunk_cactus

    Gave him a like, im doing my part

  14. LetsPlaySpaceRicky

    When the kid hears the horn and the massive roar of the Bell Centre crowd after he scores his first goal, that’s when he will finally get the other side of the coin which will balance our the mouth breathers and shirt droolers.

  15. lynypixie

    I will je at the Bell arena Tuesday for unrelated business. I wonder if I should make a sign with just « David » written on it.

  16. Emi_Ibarazakiii

    Damn, that’s sad… Expressing opinions in a thread about the topic is one thing, but why the hell would anyone go to insult him on his page and all?

    What are they trying to achieve, make him worse? Make him quit? Yeah maybe they wanted Michkov, but I’m pretty sure Reinbacher is still better than “No one because he wants out”.

    Don’t get why people are trash talking the players directly, especially when they have literally done nothing to be in this position…


    I don’t do the instagram stuff, but if you do, could always send some positivity his way, to counter the toxic shit!

  17. CertifiedBSC

    One things for sure, he will be playing for the Habs. His haters, well they will be mashing keyboards. Best of luck David, look forward to watching you!

  18. Barbuffe

    I left him a nice comment, let’s all do that boys!

  19. BaconOnMySide

    True fans are excited to see this kid play in the NHL sooner than later. That Michkov kid is under KHL contract for 3 more years.

  20. Advanced-Limit-4819

    Listen, I hate the pick, but jeez get a life people.

  21. Gotta be honest I maybe was one of the guys not happy with the pick. But I am a fan before anything else, so I will be a fan of David Reinbacher. I will condemn everyone and every post shitting on the kid. We got the best D of the draft, you can be down about the fact we didn’t get Michkov, but no one has the right to shit on the kid.

  22. cptchronic42

    Ah the Montreal treatment. And we wonder why we never land a big free agent or why no one wants to come here…

  23. Reasonable-Tiger-687

    People need to relax. This team is in a rebuild. The last regime would not say the word rebuild this one has told us openly. There are so many holes in the lineup and so many bad contracts that have to run out bc other teams don’t even want the players. Honestly they drafted a RD which is arguably the hardest or second hardest position to fill on the ice. This kid will be awesome. There was chatter that Michkov didn’t want Montreal and there was a ton of uncertainty with him. I get the Benson and Leonard stuff but if they drafted one of them there’s still a hole at RD. They’ve addressed the lack of centre’s now there attacking other weaknesses. Everyone says take the BPA then make trades and should have traded down or up. What if there was no good trades to be made just bc we as fans are like trade 5 for 2 later picks with Philly… maybe Philly said no? Look Reinbacker is going to be great I honestly believe that and I think Newhook has alot to prove and he will be much better in Mtl than he was buried on the Avs. Right now it’s all about moving out dead weight so the young guys can compete. If there’s any frustration to be had it’s with the old regime for handing out those bad contracts. Please leve the kid alone for God’ sakes. Then you all wonder why Dubois went to LA.

  24. aquila49

    Where does it say he had to turn off comments?

  25. DIKs_Steeler

    Don’t call them “fans”, they are not. They are trolls and haters, not fans.

  26. Equivalent_Steak_266

    I was happy with whoever they chose as i am a real fan of the team and the sport and what it brings to my family.

    I believe this young man will try his best and do whatever he can for the team.

    Good luck to him and his family and congratulations on all of his hard work that paid off enough to get him a shot in the big league !!

    People forget how hard this is and the commitment and sacrifice that goes into this or any job whatever it may be.

    All of the naysayers have never been drafted into any sort of sporting league nor been at the top of any profession or they wouldnt be saying what they are saying. Anyone who has put forth any effort or sacrafice would be more appreciative of what this process is.

    At the end of the day we are only human. People need to give their head a shake.

    Congratulations and all the power to you young David and everyone else in the CH uniform!

  27. Sentenced2Burn

    I wasn’t necessarily happy with the pick but I love the player and have nothing but support for him

    Some people take it way too far man

  28. itsdajackeeet

    They’re not Habs fans. They’re gutless pukes.

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