@Vancouver Canucks

New Pickups

People are saying Soucy is inching closer, so I’ll just put him here. Decent pickups all around although the two D-men are going to be adding a lot of penalty minutes to a roster that already has Tyler Myers on it.

Fortunately, all three of these guys are decent penalty killers.

It’s important to note that Blueger (3C) took a bit of a nosedive in all aspects this year, but the hope is that he will bounce back to the form shown on the card (21-22). If not, well, he’s only here for a year so at least we can just let him go.

Soucy + Cole helps to bolster the left side (and it looks like Cole can play both sides), although I’m still worried about who Hughes plays with. Soucy could be experimented with as a second pairing with Hronek, but we still don’t really have a great option to play with Hughes.

My guess of the defense for next season would be:

Hughes – Hronek

Soucy – Cole

Hirose – Myers (if he isn’t traded)

by GoldenChest2000


  1. gangstarapmademe

    Like it a lot, we’ll see if it works out though!

  2. Shermander

    Don’t like him as a person, but he’s a good pick up.

  3. ProphetofElias

    Adding more PK and defensively minded players is a huge need. Happy how this day has gone so far.

  4. Batsinvic888

    I think Hughes and Hronek will play on different pairs, spread out the talent a bit.

  5. StoneColdCanuck

    – Hughes – Juulsen
    – Soucy – Hronek
    – Cole – Myers?

    Does Woo make a push after a good season in Abby?

  6. crap4you

    Is this pretty much the end for Rathbone?

  7. waffles604

    As a Portland Trail Blazers fan, today’s signings are a welcome distraction

  8. Rycecube

    Cole and Soucy seem like they take a lot of penalties.

  9. accountnumber02

    Good signings imo. I don’t expect Cole to be anywhere near as good as that card says and probably will be a scapegoat this season, but it’s one year so it’s fine. Soucy is a bit much but good player so I’ll take it.

  10. spiritofevil99

    I don’t know how to read these charts 😂

  11. shadownet97

    Blueger is excellent at PK and that’s an area this team has been atrocious at since the Bubble.

    Lead us to a better PK %, Lord Blueger.

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