@Florida Panthers

Lomberg targets Pietrangelo’s knee three times in 15 seconds – Have your say!

Ryan Lomberg took three healthy runs at Alex Pietrangelo’s knee in a span of 15 seconds, including the last one well after the whistle. None of them were called. Tough Call will be reviewing the incidents. Have your say!


  1. That's most definitely suspension worthy but it won't even be looked at.

  2. I mean its same what he did to Drai. Give Lomberg 1 game if he gets him good. This was nothing.

  3. Third one should never have happened, as I would have given him 5/game/match penalty on the second. Not a fan of either team btw. I just hate that crap like this goes uncalled until someone is injured by it.

  4. What a coward…..instigator rules I guess only applies when it involves punching….that’s what the ladies in Fla uniforms punch with their gloves on……..Old time hockey he would eat his mouth piece and would think twice next time……..Hockey ruined by some NY lawyer pretending to know about the game but only caring about $$$

  5. The coach should be fined. The organization should be fine. And the play should be fined $50, 000 and suspended. The last clip which people might think looks not as bad as the first two actually is the one that could have caused the most damage that could have torn a ligament. I need a shortened season or his career.

  6. Vegas was all over tkachuk after the eichel hit. Lomberg will get destroyed next game. Book it.

  7. The NHL is not protecting the players. The Rule book is thrown out in the playoffs. George Laraque, a goon, in charge of Player Safety is a joke.

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