@Anaheim Ducks

Straight from Gibson and his agent

Gibson has not requested a trade and has not stated he won’t play another game for Anaheim. Some jack reporter who can’t get a real inside spot so he makes shit up

by Expert_Variation5960


  1. TheMrBoot

    Glad to see it. I’ll be sad if and when he leaves, but that sounded like a 180 from the little we’ve heard of the situation.

  2. grunt5000

    I mean, good job on releasing a statement. However, I don’t really think it was necessary.

  3. djjoshchambers

    Doesn’t say doesn’t want a trade though…

    I’m willing to bet the info was he has told GMPV he’s open to a trade and would like out, but he never said he would never play another game for the ducks. He’s got too much class to pull some bs like that.

    I do feel his days with us are over though. I wouldn’t be shocked to see him as part of the DeBrincat trade.

  4. Cam-Dolezar

    The naive believe every word.

    Here’s where they denied: That Gibson told the Ducks he won’t play another game for them, which is what Seravalli reported.

    They did not deny, as you put it, that Gibson requested a trade.

    His interview on the podcast today indicated that being moved is a very real possibility without confirming or denying requesting one. It is obvious to anyone who isn’t emotionally invested in Gibson staying that he wants out and has let the team know. Seravalli overstated it, but the overall report that he wants out has been confirmed by numerous sources this off-season.

  5. dracomaster01

    > Gibson has not requested a trade and has not stated he won’t play another game for Anaheim

    so these are two different things. Gibson probably did request a trade, the agent isn’t confirming or denying that. What is is flat out rejecting is Gibson saying he won’t play another game with the Ducks again; something Gibson echoed in that podcast interview he was on.

    I know r/hockey seems to have a hard on for Seravalli but the dude has been pushing Gibson trades for years, so at this point that guy has ZERO credibility when it comes to the Ducks.

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