@Montreal Canadiens

La Poche Bleue has learned that David Reinbacher has already signed his entry level contract with the Montreal Canadiens The team will announce it very soon.

La Poche Bleue has learned that David Reinbacher has already signed his entry level contract with the Montreal Canadiens The team will announce it very soon.

by Go_Habs_Go31


  1. dudelookslikeabrady

    Fuck yeah, I hope this kid is a stud for years to come!

  2. jockey1381

    Good for him!!! Kid’s gonna look sexy wearing 🔵⚪️🔴

  3. juliusceasarsalads

    So he’s playing in Montreal then next year lol. I know I know, he can play in Laval. But I’m just going to assume he’s going to play in the NHL because for better or for worse that’s what happens with top 5 picks on this team. Either way if this is true, good for David! Get your bag young man

  4. Bloodraven23

    He better stay in Laval for the whole year.

  5. Don’t think it means he plays in Montreal and Laval. They will loan him likely

  6. private_liberty

    Can he still play in Switzerland? The Suisse league is better than the AHL. I don’t think we should bring him in the NHL yet for obvious reasons…

  7. Sultan_Of_Ping

    Not to rain on any parade but it doesn’t mean he’s playing in NA this season. They could just do it because he’s a first rounder and to give him a bonus, but the habs could still loan him to his Swiss league for next season and his contract would just slide.

  8. ChickenLynx2

    Why do we sign him and not next summer if he was supposed to play in the swiss league this coming season..?

  9. Scooby2B2

    entry level slide rule gives 1 yr to do what they/him agree upon. If he wants to try laval then the NHL the door is open but if he doesnt this yr its no loss to the contract term…its still just hype rumour and the source isnt 100% reputable

  10. La-Spatule

    Ça c’est une bonne idée de faire des screenshots de Twitter à place de se faire à croire qu’on a le goût de cliquer dessus.

  11. DrLivingst0ne

    If he goes to Switzerland he may have to play in Laval the year after to get used to the ice before jumping to the NHL.

    Whereas if he goes to the AHL he could be ready for the NHL the year after.

  12. IllustriousBus4530

    Guess they want to make sure he’s got his poutine skills perfected before hitting the big leagues! 🍟🏒

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