@New York Rangers

Tarasenko fires agent. Wanted to remain with Rangers

Tarasenko fires agent. Wanted to remain with Rangers

by charliemike101


  1. Low-Ninja-3967

    omg I love that he went through all of that and stood his ground bc he wanted to be with the Rangers.

  2. drewdonohue13

    Trade Goodrow and sign the kids to cheap plssss make it work

  3. Ok-Tomatillo-7913

    So now what? this is Kane-esque in wanting to be with us and forcing a move to be with us

    Do we fire some players? Make room for him? Idk

  4. cheesycaveman

    I find it hard to believe our management wouldn’t have found a way to work the cap (trade/buyouts) if money was the issue.

    This signals to me management believes Kakko can take on first line work for the year, thus the “no space”, as compared to “no money”.

    Those saying the kids need ice time appear to be getting their wish. Time for Kakko to prove his worth.

  5. KingJames_684

    Drury should dump Panarin somewhere and bring Kane and senko back

  6. miloian

    I mean, getting him back would not be the worst thing in the world if Kakko on the 1st line doesn’t work out, he’d still have a spot on the 2nd and Wheeler on the 3rd would be excellent. What a bummer.

  7. Rmatthew9

    So you’re saying there’s a chance!

  8. Wingnutt02

    No shit there was no space. Unless his buddy Panarin wanted to pull a Tom Brady and cut his salary in half, which isn’t even an option in the NHL…

  9. FearsomeOyster

    Wait, what? Is this saying that he just straight up rejected all the pending offers? Or he agreed with Carolina and rejected all the others and fired his agent due to how the talks had proceeded?

  10. Iniestakovy

    confused here, we can still fit a $1m salary in the books and lets wheeler rightly slot to 3rd line RW

  11. nyr00nyg

    So thankful we have stale bread taking up 11 million in space

  12. Qtpa2dx

    Make it happen NY Rangers! ❤️🤍💙🙏🏻

  13. Ketachloride

    wait, so he isn’t going to the Canes? Be still my heart

  14. If the Rangers traded Goodrow then Tarasenko could stay for around $4.5M AAV.

  15. His new agency is CAA so that means he’ll be signing with the Knicks

  16. BlackAndProud434323

    This reporting is incorrect

    Source: tarasenko changed his IG photo of him in a rangers uniform to a photo of his kid

    /s in case it’s not obvious

  17. xTrempy

    It’s possible if Miller and Laf take similar contracts to Lindgren and Kakko. Leaves about 2.6 I believe for Tarasenko if we move to 22 man roster. I created a mock team on CapFriendly. However, he will have to really want to stay with the rangers.. and take big pay cut.

    Would love to have him back..

  18. LilMissLinNim

    I *knew* he wanted to stay. Get it done, Drury.

  19. AARP_Rocky

    The Goodrow contract becomes more of an albatross every day

  20. thegameksk

    There is space if he takes less money on a 1 yr deal, but he doesn’t want to do that.

  21. thegameksk

    All of this bc our GM constantly overvalues mediocre players.

  22. 09-24-11

    Flashback: it’s July 2021 and Chris Drury trades for and sign 4th liner Barclay Goodrow to a long term contract with a 15 team no trade clause. Despite all critiques and analytics indicating this was a bad move, the cavemen on r/rangers pound their fists against their chest are say “GRITTTTTTT”. Critics say that the cap space could be used elsewhere, but the cavemen scream in unison “DOOMER!!!!!”

    Now we return to the present state where everyone is wondering why we don’t have cap space to retain a top 6 player who WANTS to be here. Now people are wondering how anyone could have ever put Chris Drury in the position to deal with the consequences of his own bonehead decision.

    An overpay is an overpay and championship teams don’t do it. “The right move at the time, the cap will go up, intangibles” – the only thing that matters is outcome and effect. The outcome of this has been dog shit as it was predicted at the time. Terrible contract, terrible move, and now we are literally losing talent because of it.

    I’m not afraid to say it anymore but I’m utterly unimpressed with the Chris Drury tenure and on my end, the clock is ticking on his employment. Deliver the cup or get the fuck out.

  23. LemonHayes13

    Sign him for vet minimum and give him a colony grill contract for 4m. MAKE IT HAPPEN CHRISTOPHER

  24. Rozzlin

    Looks like Senko is back on the menu boys!

  25. Sjdillon10

    Bro what the fuck? Do players not get the final say?

  26. funkingrizzly

    Can’t we give him some back end stock options or some Bitcoin

  27. Wrong_Lead4250

    This is his first experience being a FA and he’s already firing his dude. hahaha. Wondering if there was an offer on the table somewhere but his agent gave some poor advice, that in turn caused Senko to miss out. Maybe the Rangers offered, he held out then the door slammed after Drury, signed his thrift store quad. Who knows. Hope he ends up happy somewhere.

  28. Humble-Koala-5853

    If they find a way to resign him, does Kakko just straight up ask for a trade? I mean I know GG was a big reason why the kids didn’t get ice time, but it feels like everyone has to pick a side. You’re either team “Give Laf and Kakko more ice time a PP time” or you’re camp “sign another veteran winger for our top 6.

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