@Philadelphia Flyers

MLB Greatest Catches In History (HD)

MLB Greatest Catches In History (HD)
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  1. the fact that Derek Jeters Diving foul ball catch or Willie Mays catch isnโ€™t on here speaks for itself!!!

  2. What I love about baseball, is that all these plays made by the visiting team, were mostly given respect by the home fans. How can you not be romantic about baseball.

  3. How could you possibly do a "Greatest Catches" highlight reel and not include Willie Mays's catch of Vic Wertz's line drive in the 1954 World Series? Many people consider Mays's full-tilt, back-to-the-plate, over-shoulder catch the greatest play in the history of baseball.

  4. What about Finnegan Limejello at the 1916 East League World Championship. My Great Grandma was there and said Finnegan was playing Catcher, and robbed a HR at the center field fence. ๐ŸŽ‰

  5. Imagine making a reel of the Greatest catches of all time, and icluding almost none of the greatest catches of all-time

  6. Where are the catches by Jim Edmonds? I watched him make a dozen catches more spectacular than 3/4 of these catches.

  7. Think how much better plays would be if they had nfl and nba guys who cared to learn.

  8. How soon will it be when there are no players left in the major league that were around when the first HD images were recorded? It should be very soon, if it hasn't happened already

  9. In almost every case it is something that any average guy could do, with a few exceptions for high jumpers and such.

  10. 3:05. im a pro wrestler. i can tell you how he did that, and ill tell you, he would make a hell of a bump taker if i gave him a back body drop. that was a hell of a vertical.

  11. If a player "robs" a batter of a "sure" home by jumping up, catching the ball, and falling over the fence without touching the ground…..THAT is a HOMERUN, people….. no matter how it's called. In this scenario, the player….no matter how great it LOOKS, is simply leaving the yard with the ball. PERIOD! If his/her feet do not touch the inside of the park before landing over the fence/wall whatever with the ball, its NOT an out. So many folks don't understand the concept, but it's like in football where if a catch is made on the field side of the line, but the player lands in…say…the end zone…. then it's a touchdown. Same with an outfielder catching the ball on the field side, then landing in the crowd…. it's a homer….even if it's in the glove. The player basically just chaperoned the ball over the fence. PERIOD, people!!!

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