@Philadelphia Flyers

[Hockey News Hub] FHR statement on the situation with the CSKA contract of #FueledByPhilly Ivan Fedotov:

[Hockey News Hub] FHR statement on the situation with the CSKA contract of #FueledByPhilly Ivan Fedotov:

by upcan845


  1. tbird1001

    This guy is getting a lot of bad advice from someone in his camp.

  2. upcan845

    Why do I have a feeling that the Russian Hockey Federation’s “detailed analysis and legal resolution” will side with CSKA?

  3. zanothium

    Are they passing this off to the IIHF to rule on? Sounds like the matter isn’t settled like it made to sound last week.

  4. azzgicker

    I guess they could argue the one part about him “never starting his contractual obligations” which is pretty darn convenient for them, eh?

    It’s nice to see that they’re at least on paper trying to follow the rules. In the end I still see them worming their way out of it and keeping him there.

  5. NotThisSh1tAgain

    I’m gonna say something potentially controversial that might piss some people off, but I’m gonna do it anyway:

    1) Why tf can’t Russia just be normal? Most of their people live on the European side of the country and the vast majority of their population is of European descent. Is it really that hard for them to just have normal (not even great) relations with other Western/Euro – countries/people?

    2) This entire situation with Russia just proves how “poverty” the NHL is as a league. There’s no way a top league like the NFL, NBA, or FIFA would ever allow things like this to happen with potential top players. Those leagues would have buyouts and regulations in place to be able to bring over top players at the drop of a hat, whenever they so choose, but it’s obvious the NHL doesn’t have the money or pull to make things like that happen. Yeah, I know they had a “contract agreement” in place with the KHL, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I think it’s pretty obvious what I mean lol…

  6. Draugr-36

    Maybe I’m misunderstanding the whole situation, but it’s weird he had “military obligation” last year, so he couldn’t come to the US, but now he’s “free to sign wherever.” almost feels like he’s free to sign wherever, as long as it’s in Russia. But again, maybe I’m completely misunderstanding this whole situation

  7. bananafone7475

    Out of all of this, I’d love to know what Fedotov actually wants. By most accounts, he wants to come to the US, or at least he wanted to when he signed his ELC.

    Has he changed his mind? Was he forced to re-sign in the KHL? Pressured to? Pretty sure I know the answer but would love to hear his side.

  8. ButWhyBlueCheese

    How about you end the war in Ukraine and you can keep Fedotov or else were sending gritty to get our goalie and michkov.

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